
Vloga socialnega dela pri ohranjanju in spodbujanju samostojnosti stanovalcev v domu za stare ljudi
ID Feratović, Sara (Author), ID Mali, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Soočamo se z naraščajočim številom starih ljudi, ki potrebujejo podporo in oskrbo v domu za stare ljudi. V tem kontekstu postaja ohranjanje samostojnosti ključno vprašanje pri načrtovanju in izvajanju oskrbe v domovih za stare ljudi. Pomembno je razumeti, kako lahko domovi za stare ljudi omogočajo življenje, ki je čim samostojnejše, in obenem zagotavljajo potrebno oskrbo. Najprej sem se dotaknila razumevanja starosti in staranja. V diplomskem delu sem pozornost namenila ohranjanju samostojnosti v domu za stare ljudi ter kako se dejavnosti prilagajajo potrebam stanovalcev. Zanimala me je predvsem vloga socialnega dela na tem področju ter kdo vse je še odgovoren pri spodbujanju samostojnosti. Usmerila sem se tako na institucionalno varstvo starih ljudi kot na dolgotrajno oskrbo in potrebe ljudi v njej. Za lažje razumevanje sem predstavila tudi vlogo in naloge socialne delavke ali delavca v domu za stare ljudi. Raziskava diplomskega dela je kvalitativna, saj je metoda zbiranja podatkov spraševanje oziroma intervjuji. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov sem ugotovila, da je vključevanje v dejavnosti in prilagoditve le-teh po navadi odgovornost delovne terapevtke. Imajo pa socialne delavke širok spekter drugih vlog in nalog, ki jih opravljajo. Spodbujanje ohranjanja samostojnosti stanovalcev je večkrat odvisno tudi od odzivnosti slednjih. Redko je prisotno dejansko vključevanje v dejavnosti, gre bolj za koordinacijo in razporeditev dela med zaposlene ter prenos informacij s strani stanovalcev.

Keywords:socialno delo, samostojnost, stari ljudje, domovi za stare ljudi, institucionalno varstvo, dolgotrajna oskrba
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160424 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Role of Social Work in Maintaining and Promoting Independence of Residents in a Home for Older People
We are faced with a growing number of older people who need support and care in a home for the older people. In this context, maintaining independence is becoming a key issue in the planning and implementation of care in homes for the older people. It is important to understand how homes for the older people can enable a life that is as independent as possible, while providing the necessary care. My first thought was about age and ageing. In my thesis, I focused on maintaining independence in a home for the older people and how activities are adapted to the needs of the residents. I was particularly interested in the role of social work in this area and who else is responsible for promoting independence. I have focused both on institutional care for the older people and on long-term care and the needs of people in long-term care. For ease of understanding, I also presented the role and tasks of a social worker or worker in a home for the older people. The research of the thesis is qualitative research, since the method of data collection is questioning or interviews. Based on the obtained data, I found that participation in activities and adjustments of these activities is usually the responsibility of the occupational therapist. Social workers, however, have a wide range of other roles and tasks they perform. Encouraging the maintenance of residents’ independence often also depends on the responsiveness of residents. There is little real involvement in the activities, but rather coordination and distribution of work among employees and the transfer of information by residents.

Keywords:Social Work, Independence, Older People, Home for Older People, Institutional Protection, Long-term Care

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