
ID Lazar, Hana (Author), ID Mali, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Smrt je neizogiben del našega življenja in kljub svoji vse pristranskosti, ostaja v družbi tabu tema. Navadno smrt nastopi po obdobju umiranja in ko človek umre, se za sorodnike začne obdobje žalovanja. Socialno delo je eden izmed poklicev, ki se pogosteje srečuje z umiranjem in žalovanjem, zato je pomembno, da smo kot socialni delavci opremljeni z ustreznim znanjem in izkušnjami, kako pristopiti k umirajočemu človeku in njegovim žalujočim sorodnikom. Predvsem so teme smrti in umiranja aktualne v domovih za stare ljudi, saj ljudje v njih preživijo zadnje obdobje svojega življenja. Poleg tega v omenjenih institucijah prihaja tudi do samomorov ter samomorilnih vedenj, zato je posebej pomembno, da takšne teme ustrezno nagovorimo. V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala, kakšen odnos imajo stanovalci Doma upokojencev Nova Gorica do smrti, umiranja in samomorilnosti. V raziskavo sem vključila deset stanovalcev in z njimi izvedla intervjuje, jih analizirala in prišla do odgovorov na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Ugotovila sem, da stanovalci smrt in umiranje sprejemajo kot del življenja, kljub temu ob takšnih temah doživljajo predvsem negativna čustva in strahove. Smrt je po njihovem mnenju dandanes še vedno tabu tema in pogovorom na temo smrti se raje izogibajo. Intervjuvanci so se na smrt bližnjega različno odzvali. Nekateri so bili zelo pretreseni, drugi so smrt sprejeli in lažje žalovali. Stanovalci samomor razumejo kot odločitev za zaključek življenja in zdi se jim nekaj strašnega. Ob takšnih temah občutijo grozo in stisko. O samomoru se nikoli ne pogovarjajo, saj jim takšni pogovori vzbujajo veliko žalost. Sami nimajo veliko izkušenj s samomorilnostjo bližnjih, so pa nekateri izpostavili, da so se srečali z lastnimi samomorilnimi mislimi. Z izvedbo raziskave, sem prišla do predlogov, da bi bilo v domovih za stare dobro nagovarjati teme smrti, umiranja in samomorilnosti, saj se stanovalci zavedajo, da jim je smrt blizu. Poleg tega se je potrebno zavzemati za detabuizacijo smrti in samomorilnosti, saj so to občutljive teme, ki se jim ljudje izogibajo in jih odrivajo na stran. Tako se težje prepozna človeka, ki potrebuje pomoč. Menim, da bi bilo pomembno vzpostaviti skupino za samopomoč v domu za stare, kjer bi si stanovalci lahko izmenjali izkušnje in strahove v zvezi s smrtjo in samomorilnostjo ter si medsebojno pomagali.

Keywords:smrt, umiranje, žalovanje, samomor, socialno delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes of the residents of the Home for older people Nova Gorica towards death and suicidal behaviour
Death is an inevitable part of our lives, and despite its universal nature, it remains a taboo subject in contemporary society. Typically, death follows a period of dying, and when a person dies, their relatives begin a period of mourning. Social work is one of the professions that frequently encounters dying and mourning, making it crucial for social workers to be equipped with appropriate knowledge and experience on how to approach a dying person and their grieving relatives. Topics of death and dying are especially relevant in homes for older people, as people often spend the final period of their lives there. Additionally, these institutions also face instances of suicide and suicidal behavior, making it particularly important to address such topics appropriately. In my master's thesis, I explored the attitudes of the residents of the Home for older people Nova Gorica towards death, dying, and suicidality. I involved ten residents in the study, conducted interviews with them, analysed the interviews and found answers to the research questions posed. I found that residents accept death and dying as part of life, yet they predominantly experience negative emotions and fears regarding these topics. In their opinion, death remains a taboo subject today, and they prefer to avoid conversations about it. Interviewees responded differently to the death of a close person; some were deeply shaken, while others accepted death and coped with mourning more easily. Residents understand suicide as a decision to end life and view it as something terrifying. They feel horror and distress when discussing such topics. They never talk about suicide because such conversations evoke great sadness. They do not have much experience with the suicidality of their loved ones, though some mentioned having encountered suicidal thoughts themselves. Through the research, I arrived at the suggestion that it would be beneficial to address the topics of death, dying, and suicidality in homes for older people, as residents are aware that death is near. Furthermore, there is a need to work towards detabooing death and suicidality, as these are sensitive topics that people avoid and push aside. This makes it harder to recognize someone who needs help. I believe it would be wise to establish a self-help group in the home for older people where residents could share their experiences and fears related to death and suicidality, and support each other with mutual support.

Keywords:death, dying, grief, suicide, social work

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