
Analiza protivnetnega in antioksidativnega delovanja tavrina na modelu intersticijskega cistitisa in vitro
ID Bohte, Janja (Author), ID Veranič, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Intersticijski cistitis (IC) je kronična vnetna bolezen sečnega mehurja brez bakterijske okužbe ali katerega drugega prepoznavnega patološkega vzroka. Simptomi vključujejo pogosto in boleče uriniranje, nočno uriniranje ter kronično bolečino na področju medenice. Diagnostika obolenja je kompleksna, prav tako pa ni na voljo zdravljenja, ki bi doseglo dolgoročne učinke. To je predvsem povezano z za zdaj še nepoznanimi vzroki za nastanek in napredovanje bolezni. Za patogenezo intersticijskega cistitisa je značilna poškodba urotelija in zvečana prepustnost krvno-urinske pregrade, zaradi česar pride do prehajanja neželenih molekul iz urina v steno sečnega mehurja ali globje, kar privede do vnetja. K temu prispeva tudi oksidativni stres, ki je značilen za številne vnetne kronične bolezni. Študije nakazujejo tudi na zmanjšano izražanje proteinov tesnih in adhezijskih stikov pri bolnikih z IC. Glede na to, bi bilo potrebno najti zdravilo, ki bi vplivalo na več različnih procesov in bioloških poti ter bi imelo tako protivnetne kot antioksidativne učinke, hkrati pa bi vplivalo na funkcijo krvno-urinske pregrade. Ena izmed takih možnosti je tavrin. Tavrin (2-aminoetansulfonska kislina) je neproteinogena aminokislina, ki jo najdemo v različnih živalskih tkivih in ima pomembno vlogo pri številnih bistvenih bioloških procesih. Pri ljudeh se tavrin tvori pri presnovi metionina in cisteina v hepatocitih. Rastoče število študij potrjuje, da tavrin blaži vnetje in oksidativni stres. To doseže z zaviranjem nastajanja vnetnih mediatorjev in spodbujanjem izražanja antioksidativnih encimov. Poleg tega tavrin krepi medcelični stike v različnih epitelijskih pregradah, kar utrjuje njihovo zaščitno funkcijo. Naše raziskovanje se je osredotočilo na vpliv tavrina na izražanje genov v urotelijskih celicah celične linije SV-HUC-1. Preučevali smo, ali tavrin vpliva na raven izražanja protivnetnih in antioksidativnih genov ter genov, ki kodirajo proteine medceličnih stikov, v primerjavi s celicami, ki so bile izpostavljene samo sprožilcu oksidativnega stresa in vnetja (glukozna oksidaza). V ta namen smo uporabili metodo kvantitativne PCR (qPCR). Rezultate smo preverili tudi na proteinski ravni z uporabo encimsko-imunskega testa na trdnem nosilcu (ELISA) in fluorescenčne mikroskopije. Pridobljeni rezultati kažejo, da tavrin deluje protivnetno, saj je ob dodatku tavrina prišlo do zmanjšanja izražanja gena za vnetni citokin IL-6 ter zmanjšanega izločanja IL-6 in IL-8 v supernatante celic, ki so bile izpostavljene oksidativnemu stresu. Tavrin je prav tako povečal izražanje gena za antioksidativni encim katalazo (CAT), medtem ko na izražanje ostalih preučevanih genov, ki so vpleteni v oksidativni stres, ni vplival. Na osnovi analize qPCR in fluorescenčne mikroskopije smo potrdili tudi, da tavrin poveča izražanje gena in proteina tesnega stika ZO-1 ter adhezijskega proteina E-kadherin, kar bi lahko nakazovalo na njegov vpliv na izboljšanje funkcije krvno-urinske pregrade. Dodatne klinične in eksperimentalne študije na živalskih modelih bi lahko potrdile potencial tavrina kot terapevtskega agensa za zdravljenje intersticijskega cistitisa.

Keywords:intersticijski cistitis, tavrin, urotelijske celice, krvno-urinska pregrada
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160417 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206080515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of taurine on an in vitro model of interstitial cystitis
Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the bladder without bacterial infection or any other identifiable pathological cause. Symptoms include frequent and painful urination, nocturnal urination, and chronic pelvic pain. The diagnosis of the disease is complex, and no treatment is available that achieves long-term effects. This is primarily due to the currently unknown causes of the onset and progression of the disease. The pathogenesis of interstitial cystitis is characterized by damage to the urothelium and increased permeability of the blood-urine barrier, resulting in the passage of undesirable molecules from the urine into the bladder wall or deeper, leading to inflammation. Oxidative stress, which is characteristic of many chronic inflammatory diseases, also contributes to this. Studies also indicate reduced expression of tight junction and adhesion proteins in patients with IC. Given this, it is necessary to find a treatment that affects several different processes and biological pathways, with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, while also influencing the function of the blood-urine barrier. One potential treatment option is taurine. Taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid) is a non-proteinogenic amino acid found in various animal tissues, playing a crucial role in many essential biological processes. In humans, taurine is synthesized during the metabolism of methionine and cysteine in hepatocytes. A growing number of studies confirm that taurine alleviates inflammation and oxidative stress. It achieves this by inhibiting the production of inflammatory mediators and promoting the expression of antioxidant enzymes. Additionally, taurine strengthens intercellular junctions in various epithelial barriers, thereby enhancing their protective function. Our research focused on the impact of taurine on gene expression in SV-HUC-1 cell lines. We studied whether taurine affects the expression levels of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant genes, as well as genes encoding intercellular junction proteins, compared to cells exposed only to an inflammation trigger (glucose oxidase). For this purpose, we employed quantitative PCR (qPCR). The results were also verified at the protein level using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and fluorescence microscopy. The results suggest that taurine has anti-inflammatory effects, as taurine supplementation reduced the expression of the IL-6 inflammatory cytokine gene and the secretion of IL-6 and IL-8 into the supernatants of cells exposed to oxidative stress. Taurine also increased the expression of the gene for the antioxidant enzyme catalase (CAT), while it had no effect on the expression of other studied genes involved in oxidative stress. Based on qPCR analysis and fluorescence microscopy, we also confirmed that taurine increases the expression of the ZO-1 tight junction gene and protein and the E-cadherin adhesion protein, which could suggest its effect on improving blood-urine barrier function. Further clinical and experimental studies in animal models could confirm the potential of taurine as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of interstitial cystitis.

Keywords:interstitial cystitis, taurine, urothelial cells, blood-urine barrier

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