
Evalvacija vpliva navideznoresničnostne igre na uporabnikovo soočanje s strahom
ID Krevs, Gašper (Author), ID Pesek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Derlink, Maja (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi opisujemo implementacijo grozljive navideznoresničnostne igre, ki je bila razvita z namenom preučevanja fizioloških odzivov igralcev na različne stresne situacije v virtualnem okolju. V nalogi so podrobno predstavljeni vsi ključni koraki v procesu razvoja igre, vključno z načrtovanjem scenarijev, modeliranjem 3D objektov, implementacijo interaktivnih elementov ter integracijo tehnologij za sledenje gibanja in merjenje fizioloških parametrov. Ločeno opisuje tudi proces izdelave same igre, kjer so prikazane različne faze razvoja, od začetne ideje do končne realizacije. Posebna pozornost je namenjena postopku testiranja in evalvacije pridobljenih podatkov, pri čemer smo uporabili statistične metode za analizo fizioloških odzivov, kot so električna prevodnost kože (SCR) in variabilnost srčnega utripa (HRV). Naloga prav tako predstavlja glavna orodja in programske knjižnice, ki smo jih uporabili pri razvoju, vključno z Unity, Blender in različnimi API-ji za sledenje gibanja. Poleg tega opisuje tudi težave, s katerimi smo se soočili med razvojem, in postopke, s katerimi smo te težave odpravljali, kar vključuje optimizacijo zmogljivosti, reševanje tehničnih izzivov ter prilagajanje igre za različne VR platforme. Naloga zaključuje s predstavitvijo rezultatov, ki poudarjajo uspešnost implementacije in podajajo smernice za nadaljnje izboljšave ter raziskave na tem področju.

Keywords:navidezna resničnost, boj ali beg
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160381 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation affects of virtual reality game on the user’s coping with fear
In thesis we describe the implementation of a horror virtual reality game, developed with the aim of studying players' physiological responses to various stressful situations in a virtual environment. The thesis provides a detailed presentation of all the key steps in the game's development process, including scenario planning, 3D object modelling, the implementation of interactive elements, and the integration of motion tracking technologies and measurement of physiological parameters. It separately describes the process of game creation, showcasing the various stages of development from the initial concept to the final realization. Special attention is given to the testing and evaluation process of the collected data, where statistical methods were employed to analyse physiological responses such as skin conductance (SCR) and heart rate variability (HRV). The thesis also presents the main tools and software libraries used during development, including Unity, Blender, and various motion tracking APIs. Additionally, it describes the challenges encountered during development and the methods used to address these issues, including performance optimization, solving technical challenges, and adapting the game for different VR platforms. The thesis concludes with the presentation of results, highlighting the successful implementation and providing guidelines for further improvements and research in this field.

Keywords:virtual reality, fight or flight

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