
Skrb za starega človeka z vidika neformalnih oskrbovalcev
ID Ocvirk, Ema (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V razvitem svetu, vključno z Evropo, zaradi staranja prebivalstva narašča potreba po oskrbi starejših, vendar je sistem dolgotrajne oskrbe v Sloveniji pomanjkljivo organiziran in pogosto predrag. To vodi v večje število neformalnih oskrbovalcev, predvsem družinskih članic. Z diplomskim delom se osredotočam na izkušnje in izzive neformalnih oskrbovalcev, ki so večinoma zaposlene osebe srednjih let. Zanimalo me je, kakšno podporo nudijo neformalni oskrbovalci, kaj jih motivira k oskrbi starejših, kako doživljajo svoje vloge, kakšni so njihovi odnosi z oskrbovanci in kakšne izkušnje imajo z uporabo formalne podpore. Želela sem tudi poudariti pomembnost njihove vloge, ki je pogosto spregledana v sistemu dolgotrajne oskrbe. V pregledu literature sem najprej opisala obdobje starosti, proces staranja, potrebe starega človeka, socialne mreže in medgeneracijsko solidarnost in dolgotrajno oskrbo s poudarkom na neformalni obliki, saj se mi dojemanje teh vidikov zdi ključno za razumevanje vloge neformalnih oskrbovalcev. V kvalitativni raziskavi sem s pol strukturiranim intervjujem zbrala izkušnje neformalnih oskrbovalcev, ki nudijo podporo in oskrbo svojim starejšim sorodnikom ali znancem, ter na razloge in potrebe starejših oseb, ki vodijo do potrebe po takšni pomoči oziroma oskrbi. Zanimali so me glavni motivi neformalnih raziskovalcev za prevzem skrbi za starega človeka ter kako je njihova pomoč organizirana. Poleg tega sem se posvetila odnosom med oskrbovalci in oskrbovanci, stopnji informiranosti neformalnih oskrbovalcev o možnostih formalne podpore in njihovim izkušnjam s temi storitvami. Prav tako me je zanimalo, ali imajo neformalni oskrbovalci ustrezne veščine za nudenje oskrbe, kako doživljajo svojo vlogo in s kakšnimi izzivi se morda pri tem soočajo.

Keywords:neformalni oskrbovalci, dolgotrajna oskrba, stari ljudje, nudenje pomoči, neformalna oskrba.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160368 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Caring for the Elderly from the Perspective of Informal Caregivers
In developed world, because of aging population, there is a growth in need for elderly care. In Slovenia, the system for long-term care in no sufficiently organized and most often too expensive. This leads to a increase of informal caregivers, especially family members. In my thesis I am focusing on experiences and challenges of informal caregivers, who are most often employed middle aged persons. I was interest in their form of support, what is their motivation and how they see their role, what kind of relationship they have with care-dependent person and what kind of experience they have with formal support. I wanted to highlight the importance of their role, which is most often overlooked in the system of long-term care. In literature review I described period of old age, aging process, needs of a senior person, social network, intergenerational solidarity and long-term care with an emphasis on the informal type of help. Understanding these topics seems crucial for appreciation of the role of informal care-givers. In qualitative research I used semi-structure interviews to collect experiences of informal caregivers, who offer support and care to their elder relatives or acquaintances; the reasons and needs of elder people, which lead to their long-term care. I was interested in the motives of informal care-givers and how they organize the care they offer. In addition, I focused on relationship between care-givers and care-recipients, on their level of knowledge about possibilities of formal support and what are their experiences with this kind of services. I researched if the informal care-givers have suitable skills for providing sufficient care, how they see their role and what kind of challenges they might face.

Keywords:informal care-givers, long-term care, elderly people, nudenje pomoči, offering help, informal care

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