
Stigmatizacija priseljencev prve in druge generacije iz republik bivše Jugoslavije v Sloveniji
ID Teofilović, Jenny (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo zajema raziskovanje izkušenj priseljencev prve in druge generacije iz republik bivše Jugoslavije v Sloveniji. Teoretični del je namenjen pregledu zgodovinskega in družbenega konteksta migracij v slovenskem prostoru, ki je ključen za razumevanje položaja priseljencev. Opisani so pomembni pojmi, kot so nestrpnost, stereotipi, predsodki, stigma in diskriminacija, s poudarkom na sodobnih oblikah, ki so bolj subtilne in jih je težje opaziti, hkrati pa lahko takšne oblike dajejo iluzijo, da se je situacija izboljšala in da je diskriminacije vedno manj. Opredeljene so tudi različne posledice diskriminacije. Cilj diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšne so izkušnje priseljencev na različnih področjih njihovih življenj, s kakšnimi oblikami diskriminacije se morda srečujejo, če občutijo stigmatizacijo in kako se s tem soočajo. Ugotovitve so zbrane s pomočjo intervjujev sedmih posameznikov, ki so delili svoje zgodbe. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se položaj priseljencev v Sloveniji ni izboljšal, saj so se ti posamezniki srečevali z različnimi oblikami diskriminacije in nestrpnosti ter občutili stigmatizacijo ali pa so vsaj imeli družinske člane, prijatelje in znance s takšnimi izkušnjami. Na tem področju je torej potrebnega še veliko dela. Za začetek bi morali o tematiki več govoriti in povečati ozaveščenost, morali bi izobraževati ljudi in preprečiti medijem, da še naprej ustvarjajo in krepijo negativno podobo priseljencev ter ponuditi več podpore organizacijam, ki se ukvarjajo s preprečevanjem in zmanjševanjem nestrpnosti.

Keywords:priseljenci, migracije, predsodki, stereotipi, diskriminacija, stigmatizacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160367 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Stigmatization of first- and second-generation immigrants from the republics of former Yugoslavia in Slovenia
The thesis explores the experiences of first- and second-generation immigrants from the republics of former Yugoslavia in Slovenia. The theoretical part begins with an overview of the historical and social context of migrations in Slovenia, as knowing the context is crucial to understanding the position and status of immigrants. Important terms are described such as intolerance, stereotypes, prejudice, stigma and discrimination, focusing on modern forms, which are subtler and more difficult to detect, consequently creating the illusion that there is less discrimination, and the situation has gotten better. The different consequences discrimination can have on the lives of individuals are also presented. The thesis aims at discovering the experiences of immigrants in different parts of their lives, what types of discrimination they could encounter, if they feel stigmatised and how they face these challenges. I gathered the information through interviews with seven individuals who shared their stories with me. The results showed that the situation in Slovenia has not improved, as these individuals faced different types of discrimination, intolerance and felt stigmatised, or they at least had family members, friends and acquaintances who had those experiences. A lot of work remains to be done in this area. As a start, we should talk more about this topic and increase awareness, we should educate people, prevent the media from further perpetuating the negative image of immigrants, and offer more support to organisations whose goal is the prevention and reduction of intolerance.

Keywords:immigrants, migrations, prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination, stigmatization

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