
Izdelava in uporaba tehnične dokumentacije za obnovo starodobnega motocikla
ID Kikelj, Jan (Author), ID Ambrož, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo pomen ohranjanja starodobnih motornih vozil kot predmetov premične tehniške dediščine. Po izdelani metodologiji, diagnozi in načrtu so na primeru motocikla opisani postopki obnove, ki zagotavljajo ohranjanje vozila v stanju, v kakršnem ga je proizvajalec predal v uporabo. Predstavljena je obnova motocikla MZ ES 150/1 Trophy. Prikazani so restavratorski procesi, kot so kleparska dela, peskanje, obnova motorja, galvanizacija, ličarska dela in sestavljanje motocikla. Med obnovo ustvarjena dokumentacija lahko služi kot priročnik bralcem, ki bodo želeli obnoviti svoj motocikel. Rezultat je obnovljeni motocikel, priča tehnologije in dizajna preteklega časa. Vozilo je zgodovinskega pomena; lastnik ga uporablja v ljubiteljske namene. Starodobna vozila vzbujajo interes tudi pri mlajših in ti bodo morda nekoč skrbeli zanje in jih ohranjali za bodoče rodove.

Keywords:starodobnik, tehniška dediščina, obnova, tehnična dokumentacija, MZ ES 150/1 Trophy
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160360 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Title:Production and application of technical documentation for restoring a vintage motorcycle
In the bachelor’s thesis, we discuss the significance of preserving vintage motor vehicles as objects of mobile technical heritage. According to the developed methodology, diagnosis, and plan, restoration procedures, which ensure the maintenance of the vehicle in the condition in which the manufacturer put it into use, are described in the case of a motorcycle. The restoration of the MZ ES 150/1 Trophy motorcycle is presented. Restoration processes, such as bodywork, sandblasting, engine restoration, electroplating, paintwork, and motorcycle assembly, are shown. The documentation created during the restoration can serve as a guide for readers who want to restore their own motorcycle. The result is a renewed motorcycle, a witness to the technology and design of a bygone era. The vehicle is of historical importance. The owner uses it for hobby purposes. Vintage vehicles are also of interest to younger people, and they may one day take care of them and preserve them for future generations.

Keywords:oldtimer, technical heritage, restoration, technical documentation, MZ ES 150/1 Trophy

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