
Zanimanje osnovnošolcev za izbrane teme pri biologiji in naravoslovju : magistrsko delo
ID Klinčar, Patricija (Author), ID Strgar, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjih letih so rezultati mnogih raziskav pokazali, da zanimanje za naravoslovje pri učencih upada, zato je bila osrednja tema magistrskega dela zanimanje osnovnošolcev za izbrane teme pri biologiji in naravoslovju. Natančneje so bili obravnavani naslednji vsebinski sklopi: bakterije, človeško telo ter vpliv človeka na naravo in okolje. Z anketnim vprašalnikom smo raziskali, katere teme so za učence najbolj in najmanj zanimive, ali so med učenci različnega spola in starosti razlike glede zanimanja za izbrane teme ter kakšen odnos imajo učenci do biologije in naravoslovja. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 242 učencev, od tega je bilo 125 fantov in 117 deklet. Ugotovili smo, da se učenci najbolj zanimajo za zgradbo in delovanje človeškega telesa ter določene okoljske probleme, najmanj pa za zgradbo in delovanje bakterij. Med fanti in dekleti so razlike glede zanimanja za določene teme, vendar te niso zelo izrazite. Dekleta se bolj zanimajo za zgradbo in delovanje človeškega telesa, pri drugih temah pa med spoloma ni pomembnih razlik. Razlike v zanimanju se pojavljajo med šestošolci in devetošolci. Šestošolci se za naravoslovje bolj zanimajo kot devetošolci za biologijo. Nasploh učence naravoslovje in biologija zanimata, pri pouku ne razumejo vedno vsega, vendar se trudijo po svojih najboljših močeh. Rezultati so prav tako pokazali, da učenci biologije in naravoslovja nimajo raje od drugih predmetov in si ne želijo še dodatnih ur pouka.

Keywords:Osnovnošolsko učenje in poučevanje, Učenci, osnovnošolci, biologija, naravoslovje, zanimanje, učni načrt
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Klinčar
Number of pages:56 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160327 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205531395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Primary school pupils' interest in selected topics in biology and science
In recent years the results of many studies have shown that students` interest in science is declining, so the main topic of the Master`s thesis will be the interes tof primary school students in selected topics in biology and science. More specifically, the following topics were discussed: bacteria, human body and the impact of humans on nature and the environment. With the help of a questionnarie, we investigated which topics are most and least interesing for students, whether there are differences in interest between boys and girls and different ages, and what attitudes students have towards biology and science. The study involved 242 students, 125 boys and 117 girls. We discovered that students were most interested in the structure and functioning of human body and certain environmental problems, and least interested in the structure and functioning of bacteria. There are differences between boys and girls in terms of interest in certain topics, but these differencess are not very outstanding. Girls are more interested in the structure and functioning of human body than boys, but in the interest for other topics there are no significant differences between the sexes. Differences in interest appear between sixth-graders and ninth-graders, where sixth-graders are more interested in science that ninth-graders are in biology. Generally speaking, the students are interested in science and biology, they do not always understand everything at the lessons, but they try to do their best. The results also showed that students do not prefer biology and science to other school subjects and would not want extra hours of lessons.

Keywords:Elementary school students, biology, scinece, interest, curriculum

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