
Numerična in eksperimentalna raziskava fasadne vtične PV elektrarne za energetsko sanacijostavb.
ID Rovan, Jure (Author), ID Medved, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V nalogi smo raziskali delovanje FIPV (angl. façade integrated photovoltaics) sistema, ki je primeren za vgradnjo v ovoj stavbe pri novogradnjah in pri energetski sanaciji stavbe. Raziskali smo štiri različne načine delovanja, in sicer ko FIPV modul ni prezračevan, ko je naravno prezračevan ter ko je prisilno prezračevan. Pri prisilnem prezračevanju lahko s FIPV sistemom ogrevamo ali ohlajamo stavbo. Raziskava je bila izvedena v dveh korakih, saj smo za potrebe raziskave najprej naredili eksperiment, pri katerem smo ugotovili, da na delovanje FIPV modula vpliva akumulacija toplote. S statistično analizo smo nato izračunali korekcijske funkcije za vsak način delovanja FIPV. V drugem koraku smo naredili numerični model in za določitev polja temperatur in hitrosti uporabili tehniko CFD. Numerično modeliranje je bilo izvedeno pri stacionarnih robnih pogojih, zato smo vpliv akumulacije toplote na temperaturni odziv FIPV upoštevali z razvitimi korekcijskimi funkcijami. S tem smo lahko modelirali dinamično delovanje FIPV modula. Z aproksimacijskimi linearnimi modeli, ki smo jih izdelali s CFD analizo, smo v nadaljevanju preverili tedensko, mesečno in letno delovanje vseh štirih načinov FIPV delovanja. Rezultati so pokazali velik potencial FIPV sistema, saj se v primeru prisilno prezračevanega FIPV celotni letni izkoristek sončne energije poveča na 30,5 %.

Keywords:energetska sanacija stavb, obnovljivi viri energije, sončna energija, fasadni integrirani fotonapetostni sistemi, računska dinamika kapljevin
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160302 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2024
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Title:Numerical and experimental study of a facade plug-in PV plant for energy rehabilitation of buildings.
In this research, we studied the performance of a façade integrated photovoltaics (FIPV) system suitable for installation in the building envelope in a newly constructed or energy renovated building. Four different modes of operation were examined, namely when the FIPV module is not ventilated, when it is naturally ventilated, and when it is forced ventilated. With forced ventilation, the FIPV system can heat or cool the building. The research was carried out in two steps. Firstly, we carried out an experiment in which we found that the performance of the FIPV module is influenced by heat accumulation. Then, statistical analysis was used to calculate the correction functions for each FIPV mode of operation. Secondly, a numerical model was created and a CFD technique was used to determine the temperature and velocity fields. The numerical modelling was performed at stationary boundary conditions, so the influence of heat accumulation on the temperature response of the FIPV was taken into account by the developed correction functions. This allowed us to model the dynamic performance of the FIPV module. The approximation linear models developed by CFD analysis were further used to calculate the weekly, monthly, and yearly performance of all four FIPV operating modes. The results showed the high potential of the FIPV system, as the total annual solar energy efficiency increases, in the case of a forced-ventilated FIPV, to 30.5%.

Keywords:buildings energy renovation, renewable sources of energy, solar energy, façade integrated photovoltaics, computational fluid dynamics

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