
Sodelovanje staršev otrok z učnimi težavami s šolsko svetovalno službo v sistemu javne šole
ID Kralj, Adrijana (Author), ID Poštrak, Miloslav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 001C6387895B26F6359C0FA6505B6CB3

Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati sodelovanje staršev otrok z učnimi težavami in šolskih svetovalnih delavcev v sistemu javne šole. V teoretičnem uvodu najprej podrobneje opredelim delo šolske svetovalne službe, njene dejavnosti in področja dela ter prispevek socialnega dela v njej. Temu sledi opredelitev učnih težav in vzroki zanje ter prepoznavanje učencev z učnimi težavami in strategije pomoči učencem. V tem delu izpostavim tudi nalogo šolske svetovalne službe v procesu pomoči učencu z učnimi težavami. V osrednjem delu pozornost namenim sodelovanju staršev otrok z učnimi težavami in strokovnim delavcem, izpostavim oblike in modele sodelovanja, partnerstvo staršev in strokovnih delavcev ter prednosti in morebitne ovire, ki lahko vplivajo na omenjeno sodelovanje. V empiričnem delu želim ugotoviti, ali je pogostost sodelovanja staršev otrok z učnimi težavami in šolsko svetovalno službo povezana s pripravljenostjo staršev za nadaljnje sodelovanje, katero formalno in neformalno obliko sodelovanja staršev in šolske svetovalne službe so starši največkrat izbrali, katero oviro za sodelovanje s šolsko svetovalno službo so starši največkrat navedli, kako starši ocenjujejo kakovost sodelovanja s šolsko svetovalno službo in katera je po oceni staršev otrok z učnimi težavami najpomembnejša prednost sodelovanja s šolsko svetovalno službo. Izvedla sem kvantitativno raziskavo na neslučajnostnem vzorcu 144 staršev otrok z učnimi težavami. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo spletne ankete. Na podlagi podatkov se je pokazala povezava med pogostostjo stikov staršev otrok z učnimi težavami in šolsko svetovalno službo, s pripravljenostjo staršev za nadaljnje sodelovanje. Več stikov, kot so starši imeli s svetovalno službo, bolj so tudi pripravljeni na sodelovanje v prihodnosti. Prav tako so rezultati raziskave pokazali, da starši s svetovalno službo večinoma sodelujejo nekajkrat letno, v okviru formalnih oblik sodelovanja so to največkrat govorilne ure, najmanj pa roditeljski sestanki. V neformalnih oblikah pa se s svetovalnimi delavci srečujejo predvsem na bazarjih ali sejmih. Starše pri sodelovanju s svetovalno službo ovira predvsem preobremenjenost, kljub temu pa sodelovanje s svetovalnim delavcem vrednotijo pozitivno. Kot najpomembnejšo prednost sodelovanja so starši izpostavili izboljšano samopodobo otroka. Ob vsem tem se mi zdi smiselno izpostaviti predloge, ki lahko pripomorejo k učinkovitejšemu sodelovanju med starši in strokovnimi delavci. Predlagam vzpostavljanje smiselnih neformalnih oblik sodelovanja z upoštevanje potreb in zmožnosti staršev, soustvarjanje v partnerskem odnosu, ki temelji na upoštevanju enakovrednosti, in krepitev timskega dela strokovnih delavcev.

Keywords:šolska svetovalna služba, partnerstvo, učne težave, starši otrok z učnimi težavami, ovire, vloga socialnega dela
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160276 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Cooperation of parents of children with learning disabilities with the school counseling service in the public school system
The purpose of the master's thesis is to investigate the cooperation of parents of children with learning difficulties and school counselors in the public school system. In the theoretical introduction, I first define in more detail the work of the school counseling service, its activities and areas of work, as well as the contribution of social work in it. This is followed by the definition of learning difficulties and their causes, as well as the identification of students with learning difficulties and strategies for helping students. In this part, I also highlight the task of the school counseling service in the process of helping a student with learning difficulties. In the central part, I pay attention to the cooperation between the parents of children with learning difficulties and the professional worker, I highlight the forms and models of cooperation, the partnership of parents and professional workers, as well as the advantages and possible obstacles that can affect the aforementioned cooperation. In the empirical part, I want to find out whether the frequency of cooperation between parents of children with learning difficulties and the school counseling service is related to the willingness of parents to continue cooperation, which formal and informal form of cooperation between parents and the school counseling service, parents chose most often, which obstacle to cooperation with the school counseling service service, the parents most often stated how parents evaluate the quality of cooperation with the school counseling service and which, according to parents of children with learning difficulties, is the most important advantage of cooperation with the school counseling service. I conducted a quantitative research on a non-random sample of 144 parents of children with learning difficulties. The data was obtained using an online survey. Based on the data, a connection between the frequency of contact between the parents of children with learning difficulties and the school counseling service, and the parents' willingness to continue cooperation, was revealed. The more contacts parents have had with the counseling service, the more prepared they are for cooperation in the future. Also, the results of the research showed that parents mostly cooperate with the advisory service a few times a year, within the framework of formal forms of cooperation, these are most often speaking hours, and least often parent meetings. In informal ways, they meet consultants mainly at bazaars or fairs. Parents' cooperation with the counseling service is hindered mainly by being overworked, but despite this, they evaluate the cooperation with the counseling worker positively. As the most important advantage of participation, the parents highlighted the improved self-image of the child. With all this in mind, I think it makes sense to point out suggestions that can contribute to more effective cooperation between parents and professionals. I propose the establishment of meaningful informal forms of cooperation taking into account the needs and abilities of parents, co-creation in a partnership based on consideration of equality and strengthening the teamwork of professionals

Keywords:school counseling service, partnership, learning difficulties, parents of children with learning difficulties, obstacles, role of social work

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