
Nameščanje mladostnikov s čustveno-vedenjskimi težavami in motnjami v Strokovne centre
ID Mulalić, Hana (Author), ID Leskošek, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava nameščanje mladostnikov s čustveno-vedenjskimi težavami v Strokovne centre ter postopke, občutke in težave mladostnikov znotraj te namestitve. Na začetku teoretičnega uvoda je predstavljena populacija mladih, njihove značilnosti in povezava z razvojem čustveno-vedenjskih težav in motenj. Sledi predstavitev področja dela socialnega dela, in sicer socialno delo z mladimi ter delo s to ranljivo populacijo. Teoretični uvod zaključim s predstavitvijo strokovnih centrov, organizacijo vzgoje in izobraževanja ter procesom nameščanja mladostnikov v vzgojne skupine. V empiričnem delu je opisana kvalitativna in eksplorativna raziskava, pri kateri sem izvedla intervjuje z mladostniki, nameščenimi v SC Višnja Gora, in zaposlenimi vzgojitelji. Uporabljene so bile polstrukturirane smernice za intervju kot merski instrument v raziskavi. Populacijo predstavljajo mladostniki, ki so na dan izvajanja intervjujev vsaj en mesec nameščeni v SC Višnja Gora, ter tudi zaposleni v strokovnem centru Višnja Gora, ki imajo vsaj pol leta delovnih izkušenj pri delu z mladostniki. Vzorec je neslučajnostni in priložnostni, sestavljen pa je bil iz 4 mladostnikov, ki so v Strokovnem centru Višnja Gora nameščeni vsaj en mesec na dan izvajanja intervjuja. Vzorec sestavljajo tudi 4 vzgojitelji, ki imajo vsaj pol leta delovnih izkušenj pri delu z mladostniki v Strokovnem centru Višnja Gora. V empiričnem delu predstavim odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja: kako je potekala namestitev mladostnika v SC in kakšni občutki so ga spremljali v tem obdobju? S katerimi izzivi se mladostniki soočajo ob namestitvi in kako se nanje prilagodijo? Katere potrebe mladostnika so in katere niso zadovoljene?

Keywords:Namestitev, strokovni center, mladostnik, čustveno-vedenjske težave, izzivi, podpora, potrebe mladostnika.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Placement of adolescents with emotional-behavioral problems and disorders in Professional Centers
The Master's thesis deals with the placement of young people with emotional and behavioral problems in Professional Centers and the procedures, feelings and problems of young people within this process of the placement. At the beginning of the theoretical introduction, the population of young people is presented, their characteristics and the connection with the development of emotional-behavioral problems and disorders. I conclude the theoretical introduction with a presentation of professional centers, the organization of upbringing and education, and the process of placing young people in educational groups. In the empirical part, a qualitative and exploratory research is described, during which I conducted interviews with both young people placed in SC Višnja Gora and employed educators. Semi-structured interview guidelines were used as a measurement instrument in the research. The population is represented by young people who, on the day of the interviews, have been placed in SC Višnja Gora for at least one month. The population also consists of employees of the Professional Center Višnja Gora, who have at least half a year of work experience working with young people in the Professional Center. The sample is non-random and opportunity, and it consisted of 4 young people who have been placed in the professional center Višnja Gora for at least one month on the day of the interviews. The sample also consists of 4 educators who have at least half a year of work experience working with young people in the professional center Višnja Gora. In the empirical part, I also present the results as answers to the research questions: how was the placement of the young person in the SC and what feelings accompanied him during this period. What challenges do young people face during placement and how have they adapted to them. I also asked the interlocutors about which adolescent's needs are and which are not being met.

Keywords:Placement, Professional Center, young person, emotional-behavioural problems, challenges, support, needs of young people

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