
Generiranje in karakterizacija prepletenih fotonov iz tekočega kristala
ID Klopčič, Sara (Author), ID Humar, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Napredek v kvantni optiki je v zadnjih letih povečal potrebo po boljših izvorih prepletenih fotonov. Kot obetavni materiali za tvorbo prepletenih fotonskih parov preko spontane parametrične pretvorbe navzdol (SPDC) so se pred kratkim izka- zali feroelektrični nematski tekoči kristali (FNLC). Zaradi polarne urejenosti lahko v njih potekajo nelinearni optični pojavi drugega reda, kamor spada tudi SPDC. Za opazovanje in zaznavanje fotonskih parov smo sestavili lastno eksperimentalno postavitev. Z njo je mogoče spreminjati polarizacijo črpalnega žarka, ki vpada na vzorec. Nastalo svetlobo skolimiramo ter do detektorjev prepustimo zgolj fotone z določeno polarizacijo. Iz časovnega zamika med posameznimi zaznanimi dogodki lahko izluščimo SPDC signal. Merjenje različnih polarizacijskih stanj nam omogoča izvedbo polarizacijske tomografije, s čimer dobimo informacijo o celotnem polariza- cijskem stanju nastalih fotonskih parov. Poleg tega je postavitvi dodan še del za mikroskopijo ter merjenje signala optičnega frekvenčnega podvajanja (SHG). Delovanje in ustreznost postavitve za merjenje SPDC signala smo preverili na vzorcu kristala litijevega niobata. Ker so se rezultati meritev ujemali z rezultati iz literature, smo nadaljevali z merjenjem na tekočih kristalih. Razmerje med tokom nastalih fotonskih parov in ozadjem je bilo v skladu s teoretično napovedjo obratno sorazmerno z močjo črpalnega žarka. Ugotovili smo, da je koherenčna razdalja približno trikrat manjša od pričakovane teoretične vrednosti. Ker je namen SPDC običajno tvorba prepletenih parov fotonov, sem se v drugem delu magistrske naloge osredotočila na odvisnost prepletenosti fotonskih stanj od la- stnosti tekočekristalne celice in polarizacije črpalnega žarka. S teoretičnim modelom, ki sta ga razvila Kavčič in Sultanov [1], sem tako izračunala odvisnost prepletenosti od debeline tekočekristalne celice ter polarizacije črpalnega žarka. Rezultati modela so napovedali, da je prepletenost blizu 1 mogoče dobiti le pri zelo tankih celicah. Posledično smo zato meritve izvedli pri najmanjših debelinah naše klinaste tekoče- kristalne celice, ki so znašale približno 1.8 μm. Prepletenost fotonskega para smo spreminjali s polarizacijo črpalnega žarka. Med drugim smo tako ustvarili pare foto- nov z nizko prepletenostjo C = 0.12 ± 0.2 ter prepletene fotonske pare z zelo visoko stopnjo prepletenosti C = 0.98 ± 0.07. Po nam znanih informacijah smo bili s tem prvi v Sloveniji, ki nam je uspelo ustvariti prepletene fotone.

Keywords:SPDC, polarizacijska tomografija, nelinearna optika, kvantna optika, feroelektrični nematski tekoči kristali, prepleteni fotoni
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160262 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206411267 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2024
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Title:Generation and characterization of entangled photons from a liquidcrystal
Developments in the field of quantum optics have led to an increased demand for better sources of entangled photons. Recently discovered ferroelectric nematic liq- uid crystals (FNLCs) have emerged as promising materials for generating entangled photon pairs via spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC). Their polar or- dering leads to second-order nonlinear optical phenomena, such as SPDC. To observe and detect photon pairs, we assembled a custom experimental setup. With it, we can adjust the polarization of the pump beam incident on the sample. The resulting photon pairs are collimated, and only those with a certain polarization are transmit- ted to the detectors. From the time delay between individual detected events, we can extract the SPDC signal. Measuring various polarization states enables us to perform polarization tomography, providing information on the overall polarization state of the generated photon pairs. Additionally, the setup includes a camera for microscopy and a part for measuring second harmonic generation (SHG). The performance and suitability of the setup for measuring the SPDC signal was verified using a lithium niobate crystal. As the measurement results were con- sistent with the results from literature, we proceeded with measurements on liquid crystals. The ratio between the flux of generated photon pairs and the background was inversely proportional to the pump beam power, which is in accordance with theoretical predictions. We determined that the coherence length is approximately three times smaller than the expected theoretical value. Since the purpose of SPDC is typically to generate entangled photon pairs, I focused in the second part of my thesis on how the photon entanglement depends on the properties of the liquid crystal cell and the polarization of the pump beam. With the simulation developed by Kavčič and Sultanov [1], I examined the theo- retical dependence of entanglement on the thickness of the liquid crystal cell and the polarization of the pump beam. The model predicted that entanglement close to 1 could be achieved only with very thin cells. Consequently, measurements were conducted at the smallest thicknesses of our wedge-shaped liquid crystal cell, which was at approximately 1.8 μm. The entanglement of the photon pair was controlled by the polarization of the pump beam. Among other results, we generated photon pairs with low entanglement C = 0.12 ± 0.2 and also photon pairs with very high entanglement C = 0.98 ± 0.07. To the best of our knowledge, we were the first in Slovenia to have succeeded in creating entangled photons.

Keywords:SPDC, polarization tomography, non-linear optics, quantum optics, ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals, entangled photons

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