
Gibalne igre na prostem za otroke in starše v vseh letnih časih
ID Remec, Karin (Author), ID Videmšek, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Glavač, Ana (Comentor)

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Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti pomen gibalne igre za otroke in starše za celostni razvoj otrok, predstaviti gibalne igre na prostem za otroke in starše v vseh letnih časih in v igrah predstaviti improvizirane pripomočke, ki jih lahko pri gibalni igri uporabljajo otroci in starši. Delo je namenjeno vsem staršem in vzgojiteljem, ki želijo ne le popestriti, temveč tudi dvigniti kvaliteto gibalnih iger na višjo raven. Uporabno vrednost v delu bodo našli tudi študenti pedagoških smeri, trenerji ter drugi posamezniki iz društev in klubov, ki se ukvarjajo s športno vadbo mlajših otrok. Naloga je napisana na podlagi poznavanja posebnosti otrok predšolskih otrok ter načina dela in odnosa z njimi. Vsaka izmed iger je natančno opisana, ima opredeljene cilje, navedene pripomočke, ki jih potrebujemo za izvedbo, in morebitne različice, s katerimi lahko prilagodimo igro glede na otrokove sposobnosti in značilnosti. Z aplikacijo predstavljenih iger v otrokov vsakdanjik, najsi gre za pouk športa ali druge oblike prostočasne dejavnosti, bomo pomembno prispevali k otrokovemu celostnemu razvoju.

Keywords:gibalne igre, predšolski otroci, starši
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160255 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2024
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Secondary language

The purpose of this master's thesis is to present the importance of physical play for children and parents for the holistic development of children, to introduce outdoor physical games for children and parents in all seasons, and to showcase improvised tools that can be used in physical play by both children and parents. The work is intended for all parents, preschool educators, who wish not only to diversify but also to elevate the quality of physical games to a higher level. Students of educational disciplines, coaches, and other individuals from associations and clubs involved in sports training for young children will also find practical value in this work. The thesis is written based on an understanding of the specific characteristics of preschool children and the appropriate methods and relationships for working with them. Each game is precisely described, with defined objectives, a list of necessary tools, and potential modifications to adapt the game according to the children's abilities and characteristics. By incorporating the presented games into children's daily routines, whether in physical education classes or other forms of leisure activities, we will contribute to the holistic development of the child.

Keywords:physical games, preschool children, parents

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