
Analiza fosfolipidov v lecitinskih mešanicah
ID Šijanec, Ana (Author), ID Pompe, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Fosfolipidi so amfifilne molekule in so ključne komponente celičnih membran. Zaradi njihovih emulgatorskih in antioksidativnih lastnosti je njihova uporaba močno razširjena v farmacevtski, živilski in kozmetični industriji. V živilski in kozmetični industriji je v uporabi predvsem lecitin, ki je naravni vir fosfolipidov. Fosfolipidna sestava lecitina je odvisna od njegovega izvora in vpliva predvsem na njegove emulgatorske lastnosti. V magistrskem delu sem razvila metodo za identifikacijo fosfolipidov v vzorcu lecitina brez uporabe standardov. Razvila in optimizirala sem metodo za ločbo fosfolipidov na HPLC in LC-MS, pri čemer sem uporabila načina snemanja FullMS in MS-MS pri kolizijski energiji 40 eV. Posamezne fosfolipide sem identificirala s pregledovanjem masnih spektrov. V prvem koraku sem ustvarila program v jeziku Python, kateri je podal nabor možnih fosfolipidov, ki ustrezajo posameznemu molekulskemu ionu. V drugem koraku sem po predlaganem mehanizmu fragmentacije pregledala produktne ione v masnem spektru in kvalificirala fosfolipide, ki so bili prisotni v vzorcu lecitina. Z izbranimi standardi sem na koncu potrdila, da je bila identifikacija pravilna.

Keywords:lecitin, fosfolipidi, HPLC, LC-MS
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160220 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206616067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2024
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Title:The analysis of phospholipids in lecithin mixtures
Phospholipids are amphiphilic molecules and key components of cell membranes. Due to their emulsifying and antioxidant properties, they are widely used in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries. Lecithin, a natural source of phospholipids, is mainly used in the food and cosmetics industry. The phospholipid composition of lecithin depends on its source and primarily influences its emulsifying properties. In my master thesis I developed a method to identify phospholipids in lecithin samples without using standards. I developed and optimised a method for the separation of phospholipids by HPLC and LC-MS using FullMS and MS-MS modes at a collision energy of 40 eV. I identified individual phospholipids by analysing the mass spectra. In a first step, I created a programme in Python that provided a set of possible phospholipids for each molecular ion. In the second step, I analysed the fragmentation ions in the mass spectrum according to the proposed fragmentation mechanism and qualified the phospholipids present in the lecithin sample. Finally, I confirmed with selected standards that the identification was correct.

Keywords:lecithin, phospholipids, HPLC, LC-MS

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