
Poškodbe otrok v predšolskem obdobju in usposobljenost vzgojiteljev za izvajanje prve pomoči : diplomsko delo
ID Zupan, Nina (Author), ID Gregorc, Jera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Poškodbe so del odraščanja, zato se v predšolskem obdobju z njimi srečajo tako otroci kot njihovi starši in vzgojitelji. Za zdravo odraščanje so blage poškodbe nujne in z njimi se otroci srečujejo na dnevni ravni. Vzgojitelji morajo biti zato usposobljeni za nudenje prve pomoči, hkrati pa imeti primerno držo do postopnega stopnjevanja tveganega ravnanja. V diplomskem delu raziskujemo število, vrsto in stopnjo poškodb, ki se zgodijo v času, ko so otroci v vrtcu, ki jih prikazujemo ločeno glede na spol in starostno skupino, preverjamo usposobljenost vzgojiteljev za izvajanje prve pomoči, ki ga prikazujemo ločeno glede na delovno dobo, in ugotavljamo njihova mnenja o prezaščitniškem vedenju. Ugotavljamo pa tudi, kakšna je povezava med samooceno znanja o prvi pomoči in dejanskim znanjem, ki ga imajo vzgojitelji. V raziskavo smo vključili 50 vzgojiteljev iz vrtcev po Sloveniji. Podatke, pridobljene s pomočjo zaprtih vprašanj, smo analizirali s pomočjo računalniškega programa Microsoft Excel (srednje vrednosti) in jih prikazali v tabelah oz. različnih grafičnih prikazih. Vprašanja odprtega tipa pa smo razdelili v posamezne skupine oz. kategorije ter jih analizirali. Moč povezanosti pa smo merili s Pearsonovim koeficientom korelacije. S podatki smo ugotovili, da so najpogostejše poškodbe blage poškodbe, ki so največkrat prisotne v prvem starostnem obdobju in pri katerih ni statistično pomembnih razlik med spoloma. Ugotovili smo, da imajo največ znanja vzgojitelji z največ delovne dobe (več kot 15), sledijo vzgojitelji z najmanj delovne dobe (do 2 let) in na zadnjem mestu so vzgojitelji, ki imajo od 3 od 15 let delovne dobe. Njihovo dejansko znanje je bilo v večini primerov boljše, kot pa so se ocenili sami na lestvici od 1 do 5 (1 ⠒ nimam znanja, 5 ⠒ imam zelo veliko znanja). Vzgojitelji menijo, da so danes starši preveč zaščitniški do svojih otrok. Razlog za to vidijo v splošnem javnem mnenju družbe oz. strahu za svojega otroka. Večina vzgojiteljev meni, da so poškodbe normalen del odraščanja.

Keywords:predšolski otroci, poškodbe, prva pomoč, prezaščitniško starševstvo.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Zupan
Number of pages:33 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160193 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205249283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Injuries to Preschool Children and the Competence of Preschool Teachers to Provide First Aid
Injuries are part of growing up, and children, their parents and educators are exposed to them in the pre-school years. Mild injuries are essential for healthy growing up and are encountered by children on a daily basis. Educators must therefore be trained in first aid, but at the same time have an appropriate attitude towards the gradual escalation of risky behaviour In this thesis we investigate the number, type and rate of injuries that occur while children are in kindergarten, which we show separately by gender and age group, we examine the competence of educators in first aid, which we show separately by seniority, we find out their opinions on pre-protective behaviour. We also look at the correlation between self-assessed first aid knowledge and actual knowledge held by educators. We surveyed 50 kindergarten teachers from kindergartens across Slovenia. The data obtained from the closed questions were analysed using Microsoft Excel (mean values) and presented in tables or various graphical displays. The open-ended questions were divided into groups or categories and analysed. The strength of the correlation was measured by Pearson's correlation coefficient. The data showed that injuries are present in kindergarten and have been decreasing over the years. Mild injuries are the most common, occurring most frequently in the first age period, and there are no statistically significant gender differences. We found that those with the most seniority (more than 15 years) have the most knowledge, followed by those with the least seniority (up to 2 years) and lastly those with 3 to 15 years of seniority. In most cases, their actual knowledge was better than their self-assessed knowledge on a scale of 1 to 5 (1- I have no knowledge, 5- I have a lot of knowledge). Educators feel that parents today are too protective of their children. The reason for this is seen in the general public opinion of society or fear for their child. Most educators think that injuries are a normal part of growing up.

Keywords:pre-school children, injuries, first aid, over protective parenting.

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