
Kako družinska dinamika zaznamuje interakcije s sovrstniki
ID Gašpar, Urška (Author), ID Rakovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu raziskujem kako družinska dinamika zaznamuje interakcije s sovrstniki. V sklopu družinske dinamike me najbolj zanima način komunikacije, katera čustva lahko izražajo, katere vrednote so pomembne v družine, kakšna dinamika moči je v njihovih družinah ter kako se vse to vnaša v interkacije s sovrstniki. V teoretičnem delu najprej na kratko opišem družino, potem opredelim elemente družinske dinamike, ki so komunikacija, pravila, vloge, vrednote, čustva in pričakovanja. Dotaknem se socialnih interakcij z vrstniki, obremenjujočih izkušenj iz otroštva, seveda pa tudi socialnodelavnih znanj. Na podlagi smernic za intervju sem izvedla pogovor z osmimi sogovorniki. V empiričnem delu sem spraševala o prej omenjenih elementih družinske dinamike. Kvalitativna raziskava na neslučajnostem, priročnem vzorcu prikazuje izkušnje posameznikov v njihovi družini in njihove interakcije s sovrstniki. Raziskava je pokazala, da je družinska dinamika pomembna in zaznamuje posameznikovo osebnost ter njegove interakcije s sovrstniki. Raziskava poudarja, da družinska dinamika, komunikacijski vzorci in čustvena podpora močno zaznamujejo sposobnost posameznikov za vzpostavljanje in vzdrževanje odnosov s sovrstniki. Razvidno je, da pozitivni družinski vzorci spodbujajo odprto komunikacijo, empatijo in samozavest, medtem ko negativni vzorci lahko vodijo do težav pri izražanju čustev, reševanju konfliktov in vzpostavljanju medosebnih odnosov. Pokazalo se je, da je še vedno prisotno družbeno razlikovanje spolov in s tem povezano čustvovanje. Prav tako lahko trdim, da v družinah, kjer odnosi niso temeljili na spoštovanju in zaupanju, je bil občutek lastne vrednosti sogovornikov nižji. Zaključim lahko, da družinska dinamika močno zaznamuje interakcije s sovrstniki.

Keywords:Elementi družinske dinamike, medosebni odnosi, občutek lastne vrednosti, vzpostavljanje odnosov s sovrstniki, komunikacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160161 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:How family dynamics shape interactions with peers
In my thesis, I explore how family dynamics influence peer interactions. Within the scope of family dynamics, I am particularly interested in the modes of communication, the range of emotions that can be expressed, the values that are important to the family, the power dynamics within families, and how all these aspects are reflected in peer interactions. In the theoretical part, I first briefly describe the term family, then define the elements of family dynamics, which include communication, rules, roles, values, emotions, and expectations. I also touch upon social interactions with peers, adverse childhood experiences, and social work knowledge. Based on interview guidelines, I conducted conversations with eight respondents. In the empirical part, I asked about the previously mentioned elements of family dynamics. Qualitative research on a non-random, convenience sample shows the experiences of individuals within their family and their interactions with peers. The research indicates that family dynamics significantly influence an individual's personality and their interactions with peers. It emphasizes that family dynamics, communication patterns, and emotional support greatly affect individuals abilities to establish and maintain relationships with peers. It is evident that positive family patterns encourage open communication, empathy, and self-confidence, whereas negative patterns can lead to difficulties in expressing emotions, resolving conflicts, and establishing interpersonal relationships. The research also shows that gender differentiation and associated emotional expression are still present. Additionally, in families where relationships were not based on respect and trust, respondents had lower self-esteem. In conclusion, I can state that family dynamics significantly influence peer interactions.

Keywords:Elements of family dynamics, interpersonal relationships, self-esteem, establishing relationships with peers, communication

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