
Psihosocialni izzivi staršev otrok z atopijskim dermatitisom
ID Troha, Nastja (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu raziskujem, s kakšnimi izzivi se soočajo starši otrok z atopijskim dermatitisom in kaj si želijo za izboljšanje kakovosti njihovega življenja. Atopijski dermatitis je kronična bolezen, ki družini lahko poruši ravnovesje. Starši s kronično bolnimi otroki se srečujejo z veliko izzivi na več področjih. V teoretičnem delu opišem značilnosti atopijskega dermatitisa in ga povežem z alergijami. Opišem tudi načine zdravljenja bolezni in značilnosti bolezni v otroštvu. Nato predstavim izzive, s katerimi se starši srečujejo. Razdelim jih na področja fizičnih, psihičnih, socialnih in finančnih izzivov. Teoretični del nadaljujem s predstavitvijo koncepta odpornosti in ga umestim v kontekst krepitve odpornosti družin, kjer je prisotna diagnoza kroničnih bolezni. V nadaljevanju opišem, kakšno podporo si starši želijo in kaj že dobivajo, to pa uvrstim tudi v slovenski prostor. Na koncu teoretični del zaključim z opisom vloge socialnega dela v zdravstvu v tujini in v Sloveniji ter z razmislekom o tem, kako bi na podlagi literature socialno delo bilo v pomoč staršem otrok z atopijskim dermatitisom. V empiričnem delu predstavim rezultate raziskave, ki sem jih pridobila z analizo intervjujev, opravljenih z osmimi osebami, ki imajo otroka z atopijskim dermatitisom. Ugotovila sem, da se starši soočajo z veliko izzivi na področju psihičnega in fizičnega počutja, socialnega življenja in pri financah. Na področju fizičnega počutja jih najbolj obremenjuje nespečnost, ki je posledica skrbi za otroka in preprečevanja praskanja ponoči. Na področju psihičnega počutja se najpogosteje soočajo z občutki nemoči, krivde in samoobtoževanja. Na področju socialnega življenja jim izziv predstavljata nerazumevanje bolezni s strani okolice in socialna izolacija kot posledica le-tega. Na področju financ se starši najpogosteje soočajo s težkim dostopom do finančne podpore, kot je dodatek za nego otroka, ki potrebuje posebno nego in varstvo. Najbolj pereč izziv se je izkazal pomanjkanje informacij o zdravljenju ob diagnozi otroka, pomanjkanje podpore s strani zdravstvenih delavcev in pomanjkanje informacij o pravicah, ki jih starši lahko uveljavljajo. Kot vir podpore so starši najpogosteje omenjali društvo, v katerega so vključeni, kjer si z vrstniki izmenjujejo izkušnje in informacije. Na odnosni ravni so omenili, da jim veliko pomeni podpora družine. Idej za izboljšanje tega področja je bilo veliko, predvsem pa so starši podajali ideje o zloženkah, ki bi informirale starše o bolezni in pravicah, ki jim pripadajo, ter sodelovanje zdravnikov in ostalih strokovnjakov za zagotavljanje celostne obravnave osebe, ki ima diagnozo, in njegove družine.

Keywords:kronične bolezni otrok, atopijski dermatitis, izzivi staršev otrok s kronično boleznijo, izboljšanje kakovosti življenja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160160 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Psychosocial challenges of parents of children with atopic dermatitis
In my thesis I explore the challenges faced by parents of children with atopic dermatitis and what they want to improve their quality of life. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease that can upset a family's equilibrium. Parents with chronically ill children face many challenges in several areas. In the theoretical part, I describe the characteristics of atopic dermatitis and relate it to allergies. I also describe the treatment options and the characteristics of the disease in childhood. I then present the challenges that parents face. I divide them into the areas of physical, psychological, social and financial challenges. I continue the theoretical part by introducing the concept of resilience and place it in the context of building resilience in families where there is a diagnosis of chronic illness. I then describe what support parents want and what they are already receiving, and I place this in the Slovenian context. Finally, I conclude the theoretical part with a description of the role of social work in health care abroad and in Slovenia and a reflection on how, based on the literature, social work could be of help to parents of children with atopic dermatitis. In the empirical part, I present the results of my research, which I obtained by analysing interviews conducted with eight people who have a child with atopic dermatitis. I have found that parents face many challenges in the areas of mental and physical well-being, social life and finances. In the area of physical well-being, they are most burdened by insomnia, which is a result of caring for the child and preventing scratching at night. In the area of mental well-being, they are most often confronted with feelings of helplessness, guilt and self-blame. In the area of social life, the lack of understanding of the illness by those around them and the social isolation that results from it were challenging. In the area of finances, parents most often faced difficulties in accessing financial support, such as the childcare allowance for children in need of special care and protection. The most pressing challenges were the lack of information about treatment when a child is diagnosed, the lack of support from health professionals and the lack of information about the rights that parents can exercise. Parents most frequently mentioned the organization in which they are involved as a source of support, where they share experiences and information with their peers. On a relational level, they mentioned that family support means a lot to them. There were many ideas for improvement in this area, but in particular parents suggested leaflets to inform parents about the illness and their rights, and the involvement of doctors and other professionals to ensure holistic care for the person with the diagnosis and their family.

Keywords:chronic diseases in children, atopic dermatitis, challenges for parents of children with chronic diseases, improving quality of life

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