
Vloga socialnih delavk in socialnih delavcev v centrih za duševno zdravje odraslih
ID Bregar, Katja (Author), ID Leskošek, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu pišem o vlogi socialnih delavk in delavcev, ki so zaposleni v centrih za duševno zdravje odraslih (CDZO) v Sloveniji. Poudarek dajem na njihova delovna področja, strokovno avtonomijo, sodelovanje z drugimi in tudi probleme ter izzive, s katerimi se soočajo znotraj tima. V teoretičnem uvodu opišem deinstitucionalizacijo, različne pristope k duševnemu zdravju, pomen skupnostnih služb, status socialnega dela v zdravstvu, opredelim CDZO, njegovo sestavo in delovanje. Izpostavim temo timskega dela in sodelovanja med zaposlenimi v timu ter povezovanje CDZO z drugimi institucijami. Teoretični del zaključim z opisom vloge in delovnih nalog socialnih delavk in delavcev znotraj tima, poleg tega pa izpostavim tudi njihove izzive, s katerimi se soočajo pri delu v CDZO. V empiričnem delu predstavim značilnosti izvedene kvalitativne raziskave ter rezultate. Rezultate sem pridobila z delno strukturiranimi intervjuji, ki sem jih izvedla na neslučajnostnem priložnostnem vzorcu z osmimi socialnimi delavkami. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da si socialne delavke v CDZO načeloma same organizirajo delo, jim pa psihiater ali psihiatrinja občasno poda usmeritve. Večina socialnih delavk je v CDZO povsem avtonomnih, vendar si morajo nekatere svojo avtonomnost izboriti. Hierarhična struktura ni vedno prisotna v CDZO, vendar je v nekaterih centrih zaznana dominanca psihiatrov in tudi kliničnih psihologov zaradi njihove višje plače in izobrazbe. Socialne delavke v CDZO so izpostavile različne izkušnje glede občutka upoštevanja v timu, nekatere doživljajo visoko stopnjo cenjenosti s strani drugih, druge pa potrebujejo dodatno zagovarjanje svojega dela. Socialne delavke sodelujejo z različnimi strokovnjaki in institucijami pri svojem delu, pri tem imajo pogosteje pozitivne izkušnje kot negativne. Soočajo se z omejitvami v povečanju obsega storitev, saj imajo izzive zaradi trenutne preobremenjenosti in kadrovskih primanjkljajev. Najpogostejši izzivi, s katerimi se soočajo, vključujejo težave s prostorskimi kapacitetami, delom v skupnih pisarnah, organizacijske izzive in tudi izziv s kompleksnostjo zdravstvenega sistema. Socialne delavke izpostavljajo potrebo po tem, da bi se dalo socialnemu delu večjo priznavanje, pa tudi, da bi se izboljšalo delovne pogoje in nudilo večjo podporo pri izvajanju delovnih nalog. Na podlagi teh rezultatov sem prišla do ugotovitev, da je ključnega pomena zagotavljanje večje avtonomnosti socialnih delavk, izboljšanje prostorskih kapacitet, zmanjšanje hierarhičnih razlik ter povečanje podpore in priznavanje socialnega dela znotraj zdravstvenega sistema.

Keywords:centri za duševno zdravje odraslih, socialno delo v zdravstvu, skupnostna psihiatrična obravnava, timsko delo, sodelovanje, strokovna identiteta
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160153 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role of social workers in Adult Mental Health Centers
In my graduation thesis, I write about the role of social workers in Adult Mental Health Centers (AMHC) in Slovenia. I pay close attention to their areas of expertise, perceptions of professional autonomy, collaboration with others, and problems and challenges that exist within the team. In the theoretical section, I describe deinstitutionalization, various mental health concepts, the role of the community, the status of social work in healthcare, the definition of AMHC, what it should include, and its functioning. I pay close attention to the subject of teamwork and collaboration among coworkers as well as AMHC's relationships with other institutions. I conclude the theoretical section by describing the duties and roles of the social workers on the team, as well as some of the challenges they face at AMHCs. The empirical section of the paper includes a description of the qualitative research and the results. I obtained the results through semi-structured interviews, which I conducted on a non-random convenience sample of eight social workers. The research results showed that social workers in AMHCs generally organize their work themselves, although a psychiatrist occasionally gives them guidelines. The majority of social workers have complete autonomy, although some have to earn their autonomy. The hierarchical structure is not always present in AMHCs, but in some centers, there is noticeable dominance by psychiatrists and clinical psychologists due to their higher pay and education. Social workers in AMHCs highlight different experiences regarding the feeling of being valued in the team; some of them feel valued, while others have to fight to show that their job is important. Social workers collaborate with various professionals and institutions, often reporting positive experiences. However, they believe that expanding the number of services would be difficult given the existing workload and employee shortages. The most common problems social workers encounter are with spatial capacities and working in shared offices, organizational challenges, and the complexity of the healthcare system. Social workers emphasize the need for acknowledgement of the profession of social work, enhancement of working conditions, and increased support in performing their tasks. Based on these results, I have concluded that it is critical to provide social workers with more autonomy, enhance spatial resources, reduce imbalances in hierarchical structures, and increase the recognition and support of social work in the healthcare system.

Keywords:Adult Mental Health Centers, social work in healthcare, community psychiatric treatment, teamwork, collaboration, professional identity

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