
Odvzem dobička v primerih kršitve pogodbe v primerjalnem in slovenskem pravu
ID Jenčič, Brin (Author), ID Možina, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo raziskuje možnosti za odvzem dobička v pogodbenem pravu. Osrednje vprašanje, s katerim se delo ukvarja je, ali je v primeru kršitve pogodbe kršitelj dolžan pogodbi zvesti stranki zgolj plačati odškodnino, ali mora nanjo prenesti tudi dobiček, ki si ga je s kršitvijo pridobil. V nekaterih primerih klasična kompenzatorna odškodnina ne more preprečiti, da storilec s svojim protipravnim ravnanjem ne bi obogatel. Zaradi tega je potrebno storilcu protipravno pridobljeno korist odvzeti (t. i. disgorgement of profits). Možnosti za odvzem dobička ponujajo pravo neupravičene obogatitve, poslovodstvo brez naročila in odškodninsko pravo. V magistrskem delu je predstavljeno, katerih instrumentov se za odvzem dobička poslužujejo različni pravni redi. Kot primer kontinentalnih pravnih sistemov sta predstavljena nemško in slovensko pravo, kot primer angloameriških pravnih sistemov pa pravo Anglije in Walesa ter irsko pravo. Možnosti za odvzem dobička so predstavljene tudi v okviru Dunajske konvencije o mednarodni prodaji blaga (CISG). Poudarek je predvsem na iskanju najprimernejšega mehanizma, ki omogoča odvzem dobička v primeru kršitve pogodbe.

Keywords:odvzem protipravno pridobljenega dobička, disgorgement of profits, kompenzacija, povrnitev škode, odškodnina, neupravičena obogatitev, poslovodstvo brez naročila, CISG
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160152 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205259779 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Disgorgement of profits for breach of contract in comparative and Slovenian law
This thesis analyses the possibilities for disgorgement of profits within contract law. The main question addressed in the thesis is whether a contract-breaker is not only liable to pay compensatory damages but also to disgorge the profits obtained from breach of contract to the innocent party. In some cases, traditional compensatory damages cannot bar the wrongdoer to profit by its wrongful conduct. For this reason, it is necessary to deprive the contract-breaker of its unlawfully obtained gains. Stripping the gains of the wrongdoer can be achieved by the law of damages, unjust enrichment and negotiorum gestio. The master’s thesis outlines the instruments used by different legal systems for the disgorgement of profits. German and Slovenian law are presented as examples of continental legal systems, while the law of England and Wales and Irish law are presented as examples of Anglo-American legal systems. The possibilities for disgorgement of profits are also presented in the context of the United Nation Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). The main emphasis is on finding the most appropriate mechanism to allow disgorgement of profits in the event of a breach of contract.

Keywords:disgorgement of profits, compensation, compensation damages, restitutionary damages, damages, unjust enrichment, negotiorum gestio, CISG

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