
Omejevanje dostopa do informacij na spletu : magistrsko delo
ID Rajh, Tina (Author), ID Juvan, Jelena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prost pretok informacij, neodvisnost in nereguliranost so temeljne predpostavke interneta. Z razvojem in širjenjem interneta so države začele čutiti potrebo po regulaciji, kar je privedlo do različnih oblik omejevanja informacij na spletu. Avtorji izpostavljajo trend držav kot ključnih akterjev na področju upravljanja interneta. Literatura na tem področju se večinoma osredotoča na preučevanje organizacij, ki regulirajo dostop do informacij, medtem ko procesa filtriranja informacij s strani nacionalnih vlad v tem kontekstu ne naslovi. Magistrska naloga se zato osredotoča prav na vlogo državnih akterjev. Upravljanje interneta temelji na dveh narativih – internetni svobodi, ki predpostavlja, da države ne bi smele posegati v ali prekinjati informacijskih tokov, ki prehajajo preko nacionalnih meja, in internetni suverenosti, ki argumentira, da lahko države legitimno omejujejo digitalne tokove informacij z namenom zaščite nacionalne varnosti. Naloga analizira številne razloge zaradi katerih države izvajajo cenzuro nad informacijami na internetu ali celo dostop popolnoma prekinejo. Tako avtoritarne kot tudi demokratične države se poslužujejo orodij za omejevanje dostopa do informacij na spletu. Naloga išče razlike v posledicah teh omejitev. Analiza orodij omejevanja informacij v državah, ki zagovarjajo internetno svobodo, in tistih, ki se zavzemajo za internetno suverenost, prikazuje podobnosti v pristopih k omejevanju informacij. Različni razlogi omejevanja lahko vodijo do podobnih posledic, kot je nezagotavljanje človekovih pravic, prevsem svoboda govora in pravica do zasebnosti posameznika.

Keywords:avtoritarne države, demokratične države, upravljanje interneta, svoboda govora, pravica do zasebnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Rajh
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (77 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160139 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206789635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Restricting access to information online
The free flow of information, independence and lack of regulation are fundamental principles of the internet. With the development and expansion of the internet, countries began to feel the need for regulation, leading to various forms of online information restriction. Authors highlight the ongoing trend of states becoming main actors in internet governance. Literature in this field has mainly focused on the study of organisations that regulate access to information, while it does not address the process of information filtering by national governments in this context. Therefore, the thesis focuses specifically on the role of state actors. Internet governance is based on two narratives - internet freedom, which assumes that states should not interfere with or disrupt the flow of information across national borders, and internet sovereignty, which argues that states can legitimately restrict digital information flows to protect national security. The thesis analyses numerous reasons why states censor online information or even completely shut down access. Both authoritarian and democratic states use tools to restrict access to information online. The thesis looks for differences in the consequences of these restrictions. The analysis of information restriction tools in states advocating for internet freedom and those supporting internet sovereignty reveals similarities in their approaches to restricting information. Different reasons for restriction can lead to similar consequences, namely the failure to ensure human rights, particularly freedom of speech and the right to privacy.

Keywords:authoritarian states, democratic states, internet governance, freedom of speech, right to privacy

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