
Testiranje bioakustičnih metod za popisovanje izbranih vrst gozdnih sov (Strigidae)
ID Verbič, Tadej (Author), ID Vrezec, Al (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Polajnar, Jernej (Comentor)

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Bioakustične metode so z napredkom tehnologije v zadnjih letih postale alternativa že uveljavljenim popisnim metodam, kot sta metoda iskanja sovjih gnezd in metoda popisa s predvajanjem posnetka. Novejši pristopi k monitoringu biodiverzitete imajo številne prednosti, kot so minimalen vpliv na naravno vedenje živali, nepristranskost podatkov ter možnost optimiziranega dolgoročnega spremljanja. Kljub temu je učinkovitost bioakustičnih metod v primerjavi s klasičnimi zaenkrat še nepreverjena. V naši raziskavi smo leta 2022 na območjih Krima, Smrekovca in Dleskovškove planote v času paritvenega obdobja izvedli pasivni bioakustični popis izbranih vrst sov – lesne sove (Strix aluco), kozače (Strix uralensis), malega skovika (Glaucidium passerinum) in koconogega čuka (Aegolius funereus). Zbrane podatke o oglašanju izbranih vrst smo analizirali, določili verjetnost detekcije za vsako posamezno vrsto in primerjali podatke bioakustičnega popisa s podatki, pridobljenimi s klasičnim popisom s predvajanjem posnetka, izvedenim v istem obdobju. Pasivna bioakustična metoda se je izkazala za uspešen način popisa lesne sove, saj smo v treh zaporednih nočeh snemanja dosegli 95% zanesljivost detekcije. Zaznavnost ostalih vrst je bila v primerjavi z lesno sovo manjša, kar nakazuje na potrebo po nadaljnji optimizaciji pasivne bioakustične metode za popis posameznih vrst, katerih detekcija je v veliki meri odvisna od njihove spontane vokalne aktivnosti. Naša raziskava bo prispevala k nadaljnjemu razvoju pasivne bioakustične metode in njeni uveljavitvi kot popisne metode v Sloveniji.

Keywords:Prave sove (Strigidae), metoda popisa s predvajanjem posnetka, pasivna akustična metoda
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Verbič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160135 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205044995 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.08.2024
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Title:Testing the bioacoustic methods for monitoring of selected forest owl species (Strigidae)
In recent years, with the advancement of technology, bioacoustic methods have become an alternative to well-established survey methods, such as searching for owl nests and playback surveys. Newer approaches to biodiversity monitoring offer numerous advantages, such as minimal impact on the natural behavior of animals, data impartiality, and the possibility of optimized long-term monitoring. However, the effectiveness of bioacoustic methods compared to classical methods is still unverified. In our study, conducted in 2022, we carried out a passive bioacoustic survey of selected owl species during the breeding season in the areas of Krim, Smrekovec, and Dleskovškova planota. The species surveyed included the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco), the Ural Owl (Strix uralensis), the Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum), and the Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus). We analyzed the collected data on species vocalizations, determined the detection probability for each species, and compared the bioacoustic survey data with data obtained from a classical playback survey conducted in the same year. The passive bioacoustic method proved to be a successful in survey of the Tawny Owl, as we achieved a 95% detection reliability already in three nights of continuous recording. The survey of other species was less successful indicating the need for further improvements the passive bioacoustic survey method for individual species, whose detection probability largely depends on their spontaneous vocal activity. Our research will contribute to the further development of the passive bioacoustic method and its establishment as a survey method in Slovenia.

Keywords:True owls (Strigidae), playback survey, passive acoustic monitoring

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