
Analiza razvoja upravnih enot v Republiki Sloveniji skozi čas in v prihodnje : diplomsko delo
ID Kopač, Mirjam (Author), ID Kovač, Polonca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo analizira dosedanji razvoj in izzive, s katerimi se sooča slovenska javna uprava in posebej upravne enote, vse od njihove ustanovitve v letu 1995 dalje, ko so bile ustanovljene za opravljanje nalog državne uprave, ki jih je treba organizirati in izvajati čim bližje uporabnikom v celotni državi na enoten način. Upravne enote so nastale s preoblikovanjem občin in se razvile v najuspešnejši del državne uprave. Uvajale so modele merjenja kakovosti, zadovoljstva zaposlenih in uporabnikov storitev in skrbele za učinkovito ravnanje z viri, kljub temu se postavljajo vprašanja o optimalnosti njihove organizacije in delovanja glede enakega odnosa do strank in časovno učinkovitega odločanja o pravicah in obveznostih strank. V diplomskem delu se išče odgovore na vprašanje, kako Zakon o državni upravi (ZDU-1, Uradni list RS, št. 113/05 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 89/07 – odl. US, 126/07 – ZUP-E, 48/09, 8/10 – ZUP-G, 8/12 – ZVRS-F, 21/12, 47/13, 12/14, 90/14, 51/16, 36/21, 82/21, 189/21, 153/22 in 18/23) skupaj z drugimi predpisi določa pristojnosti ministrstva, pristojnega za javno upravo, da to lahko izvede organizacijske in druge spremembe za kakovostnejše delo upravnih enot. Organ v sestavi ministrstva, pristojnega za javno upravo, je primerna oblika teritorialne organizacije državne uprave. Nekateri uporabljeni primeri teritorialno organiziranih državnih organov imajo številne prvine, po katerih se je smiselno zgledovati pri reorganizaciji upravnih enot. Uporabljene so normativno-dogmatična, deskriptivna in historična metoda, analiza strokovne literature in sekundarna statistična analiza ter induktivna in deduktivna metoda, metoda analize in sinteze, metoda kompilacije ter metoda intervjuja z nosilci strokovnih področij, metoda študija primera in komparacija.

Keywords:teritorialna organizacija, javna uprava, državna uprava, upravne enote, reorganizacija, javni uslužbenci, upravne naloge
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kopač]
Number of pages:XI, 89 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160128 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:204950019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the development of administrative units in the Republic of Slovenia over time
The diploma thesis analyses the development and challenges faced by the Slovenian public administration and, in particular, the administrative units since their establishment in 1995, when they were created to perform the tasks of the state administration, which should be organized and conducted as close as possible to the users in the whole country in a uniform manner. The administrative units were created through the transformation of municipalities and have developed into the most successful part of the civil service. They have introduced models for measuring quality, staff, and service user satisfaction and have ensured efficient management of resources, yet questions are being asked about the optimality of their organization and functioning in terms of equal treatment of clients and time-efficient decision-making on clients' rights and obligations. The diploma thesis seeks to answer how the Law on the Civil Service (ZDU-1) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, number 113/05 – official consolidated text, 89/07 – odl. US, 126/07 – ZUP-E, 48/09, 8/10 – ZUP-G, 8/12 – ZVRS-F, 21/12, 47/13, 12/14, 90/14, 51/16, 36/21, 82/21, 189/21, 153/22 and 18/23), together with other regulations, determines the competences of the Ministry responsible for public administration to be able to make organizational and other changes to improve the quality of the work of administrative units. A body within the Ministry responsible for public administration is an appropriate form of territorial organization of the state administration. Some examples of territorially organized state bodies include a number of elements that can be used as a basis for reorganizing administrative units. The methods used are the normative-dogmatic, descriptive, and historical methods, the analysis of the literature and secondary statistical analysis, the inductive and deductive methods, the method of analysis and synthesis, the method of compilation, the method of interviewing experts, the case study method and the method of comparison.

Keywords:territorial organization, public administration, state administration, administrative units, reorganization, civil servants, administrative tasks

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