
Stanovanjska skupina skozi oči mladostnikov
ID Polh, Paulina (Author), ID Gril, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Odhod v novo obliko bivanja, pa čeprav je njen namen predvsem pomoč in podpora, lahko prinese nove izzive in negativna občutja. To sem sama opazila letos na praksi v stanovanjski skupini, zato sem se želela v to še bolj poglobiti in opozoriti na morebitne pomanjkljivosti, ki jih zaznavajo mladostniki sami. V diplomskem delu sem se najprej osredotočila na teorijo, kjer predstavim obdobje mladostništva, opišem vlogo socialnih kontekstov pri mladostnikovem razvoju, predstavim čustvene in vedenjske težave, ki so najpogostejši razlog za prihod v stanovanjsko skupino, predstavim zakonsko podlago oddaje otrok v stanovanjsko skupino in opišem, kakšno vlogo ima pri namestitvi socialno delo, nato predstavim dobre prakse iz tujine glede podpore mladim s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami in za konec opišem značilnosti stanovanjskih skupin. V empiričnem delu sem se osredotočila na doživljanje ukrepa namestitve v stanovanjsko skupino (razlogi za odhod, predstavljen ukrep, odzivi nanj), raziskovala sem slišanost mladostnikovega glasu in doživljanje samega bivanja v njej. Zanimalo me je, s kakšnimi morebitnimi težavami so se mladostniki srečevali ob prilagajanju na novo obliko bivanja in kakšno podporo so pri tem dobili ter kakšne izboljšave vidijo glede sodelovanja staršev in vzgojiteljev. Raziskovala sem njihove predloge za boljše počutje v stanovanjski skupini in kako se pripravljajo na sam odhod iz nje. Kvalitativno raziskavo sem izvedla na priročnem vzorcu šestih mladostnikov, starih med 12 in 18 let, ki bivajo v eni stanovanjski skupini, s pomočjo individualnih delno strukturiranih intervjujev. Oblike institucionalne pomoči otrokom s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami so se želele približati njim samim in njihovim specifičnim potrebam, da bi bili deležni tega, česar v svojem razvoju niso dobili. Skozi raziskavo sem ugotovila, da temu ni vedno tako. Mladostniki so pogrešali predvsem odnosni vidik, ki ga mnogi v svojih družinah niso bili deležni. Poleg tega je sam prehod v stanovanjsko skupino mnogim vzbujal negativna občutja. Težko so se sprijaznili z novo obliko bivanja, vse je bilo na hitro, vsi si tega niso želeli in se ob tem počutili tudi osamljeno, saj niso nikogar poznali. Lažje je bilo mladostnici, ki je bila pred tem že v mladinskem domu in s tem navajena rutine ter bila še vedno geografsko blizu s svojimi starši. Podporo so mladostniki iskali predvsem pri sostanovalcih. V stanovanjski skupini so zaznali pozitivne spremembe, tako iz vidika boljše šolske uspešnosti, kot izboljšanja vedenja in večje skrbi zase. Vsi pa niso videli razloga, zakaj (še) morajo ostati v njej. Ugotovila sem, da se glede odhoda iz stanovanjske skupine počutijo odgovorne, da bodo lahko čimprej odšli drugam. Na podlagi ugotovitev sem pripravila nekaj predlogov za prakso. Šele iz perspektive uporabnikov samih, lahko namreč oblikujemo pristope, ki so v dobro ravno njim samim.

Keywords:stanovanjska skupina, otrokov glas, prehodi, prilagoditvene težave, uporabniška perspektiva, socialna podpora
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160116 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Residential Youth Care through the Eyes of Adolescents
Moving to a new form of living, even if it is primarily for help and support, can bring new challenges and negative feelings. I noticed this during my practice in residential youth care. Therefore, I wanted to look into it further and point out any shortcomings perceived by the young people. In my graduation thesis, I first focused on theory, introducing the period of adolescence, describing the role of social contexts in adolescent development, introducing the emotional and behavioral problems that are the most common reasons for entering residential youth care, describing the legal basis for the placement of children in residential youth care, describing the role of social work in the placement, presenting good practices from abroad in supporting young people with emotional and behavioral problems, and describing the characteristics of residential youth care. In the empirical part, I focused on the experience of the proposal of a residential youth care placement (reasons for leaving and presented proposal, reactions to it). I also explored how much the voice of young people was taken into account and how they experienced living in residential youth care. I wanted to know what possible difficulties the young people faced in adjusting to their new living arrangements, what support they received, and what improvements they saw in terms of parental and educator cooperation. I explored their suggestions for improving their well-being in residential youth care and how they were preparing to leave it. The qualitative research was carried out on a convenience sample of six adolescents, aged between 12 and 18, living in residential youth care, using individual semi-structured interviews. Institutional forms of support for children with emotional and behavioral problems had sought to get closer to them and their specific needs, to give them what they had not received throughout their development. Through my research, I found that this is not always the case. Adolescents especially missed the relational aspect, which many did not have in their families. In addition, the transition to group housing evoked negative feelings for many. It was hard for them to come to terms with the new way of living. Everything was on the fast track, not everyone wanted to do it, and it also made them feel lonely because they did not know anyone. It was easier for the adolescent, who had been in a youth home before. Thus, she was used to the routine and was still geographically close to her parents. Residents had mainly sought support from their roommates. In residential youth care, adolescents perceived positive changes, both in terms of better school performance and improved behavior and self-care. However, not all of them knew the reason why they (still) had to stay there. I found that they felt responsible about leaving the housing group so that they could go somewhere else as soon as possible. Based on the findings, I made some suggestions for practice. Only from the perspective of the users, we can design approaches that benefit them.

Keywords:residential youth care, child's voice, transitions, adjustment problems, adolescent's perspective, social support

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