
Vzgoja otrok in mladostnikov za sprejemanje odgovornosti
ID Marincelj, Anja (Author), ID Gril, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: DD946DF13478EAE8945152764BF03E67

V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala, kako se različne vzgojne situacije in strategije staršev povezujejo s prevzemanjem odgovornosti otrok in mladostnikov. Teoretični del sem začela z opredelitvijo vzgoje in njenih različnih vidikov (namernost vzgojnega procesa, avtoriteta in vzgojni stili) ter orisala pomen odgovornosti. V nadaljevanju sem predstavila temeljne značilnosti razvojnih obdobij otroštva, kjer sem poudarek namenila Kohlbergovi teoriji razvoja moralnega razsojanja in Selmanovi teoriji razvoja zavzemanja socialne perspektive. Nato sem se posvetila družini in starševstvu, kjer sem se osredotočila na vlogo staršev pri učenju odgovornosti otrok skozi štiri vzgojne situacije (opravljanje šolskih obveznosti, pomoč v gospodinjstvu, prosti čas in avtonomija). Poglavje sem opremila tudi s pomembnimi uvidi teorij, ki so staršem in strokovnjakom lahko v podporo pri izbiri ustreznih vzgojnih ravnanj (otrokov glas, dimenzije vedenja staršev, teorije učenja, postavljanje meja in reševanje konfliktov). Na koncu sem predstavila večgeneracijske in mladinske centre ter njihov prispevek k vzgoji in učenju odgovornosti otrok/mladostnikov. V empiričnem delu so me zanimale vzgojne strategije, ki jih starši uporabljajo v različnih vsakodnevnih vzgojnih situacijah, da bi pri otrocih/mladostnikih spodbudili odgovorno vedenje. Osredotočila sem se tako na perspektivo otrok in mladostnikov kot njihovih staršev. Z devetimi otroki in mladostniki, ki obiskujejo večgeneracijski center Skupna točka, sem izvedla intervjuje, njihovi starši pa so izpolnjevali ankete. Raziskovala sem njihove poglede na vzgojne strategije in analizirala uspešnost teh strategij pri spodbujanju prevzemanja odgovornega vedenja. Rezultati so pokazali, da si mladostniki želijo drugačnih vzgojnih strategij v primerjavi z otroki, želje in potrebe mladostnikov pa običajno niso upoštevane s strani staršev. Posamezniki, ki v različnih situacijah ne prevzemajo odgovornosti, so deležni neprimernih strategij, ki ne upoštevajo njihovega socio-kognitivnega, moralnega razvoja. Otroci, ki (v nekaterih situacijah) sprejemajo odgovornost vnaprej, se pretežno strinjajo z vzgojnimi strategijami staršev, vendar si nekateri želijo, da bi starši bolj upoštevali njihove potrebe/želje. Največji izzivi, s katerimi se spopadajo starši pri spodbujanju odgovornosti otrok in mladostnikov, se pojavljajo na področju pomoči v gospodinjstvu. Poleg tega sem raziskovala preferenčne oblike podpore in pomoči, ki si jih starši in njihovi otroci želijo v večgeneracijskem centru Skupna točka. Njihove ideje in predlogi lahko služijo kot opora/smernice za strokovne delavke tako na področju vzgoje kot pri zagotavljanju ustrezne podpore uporabnikom.

Keywords:prevzemanje odgovornosti, vzgoja, vzgojne strategije, starševstvo, razvojna obdobja otroštva, podpora in pomoč v mladinskih in večgeneracijskih centrih, vzgojno delovanje v mladinskih in večgeneracijskih centrih.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160112 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Upbringing children and adolescents for taking responsibility
In my master's thesis, I am investigating on how different parenting strategies in various situations relate to the development of taking responsibility in children and adolescents. In the theoretical framework, I begin by defining upbringing and its various aspects (intentionality of the parenting process, authority, and parenting styles), and outlined the importance of responsibility. Subsequently, I presented the fundamental characteristics of childhood developmental stages, with emphasis on Kohlberg's theory of moral development and Selman's theory of social perspective-taking. Later I focused on family and parenthood, exploring the role of parents in teaching their children responsibility through four situations (school responsibilities, household chores, leisure time, and autonomy). This section was supplemented with significant insights from theories that can help parents and professionals in selecting appropriate parenting behaviours (consideration of the child's voice, dimensions and styles of parenting, learning theories, setting boundaries, and managing conflicts). Finally, I discussed multigenerational and youth centres and their contribution to the upbringing and learning of responsibility in children and adolescents. In the empirical part of my master’s thesis, I examined the upbringing strategies used by parents in various everyday situations to promote responsible behaviour in children and adolescents. My focus encompasses the perspectives of both, the children and adolescents, as well as their parents. I conducted interviews with nine children and adolescents attending the multigenerational centre ‘Skupna točka’, while their parents completed surveys. I explored their views on upbringing strategies and analysed the effectiveness of these strategies in stimulating responsible behaviour. Additionally, I explored the preferred forms of support and help that both, parents and their children, want from the multigenerational centre ‘Skupna točka’. The results indicated that adolescents in comparison to children expect different upbringing strategies, but their wishes and needs are not often acknowledged by their parents. Individuals who do not take responsibility in various situations are subjected to inappropriate upbringing strategies that fail to consider their socio-cognitive and moral development. Children who accept responsibility in advance in certain situations generally agree with their parents' strategies, though some wish their parents would be more attentive to their wants and needs. The greatest challenge parents face in encouraging responsibility among their children and adolescents pertain to household chores. Both parents and their children also provided several ideas and suggestions for forms of support and help they would like to be implemented at the multigenerational centre. The information gathered can serve as a foundation and guidelines for professionals in both, educational and social work fields, in providing appropriate support to children and adolescents and their parents.

Keywords:taking responsibility, upbringing, upbringing strategies, parenthood, developmental stages of childhood, support in youth and multigenerational centres, educational/upbringing praxis in youth and multigenerational centres.

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