This master's thesis deals with the life and work of the Slovenian émigré author Vladimir Kaučič - Jean Vodaine, who spent most of his life and worked in France. He was a versatile artist who worked as a painter, graphic artist, typographer, translator, publisher, printer and teacher. Despite his high quality and rich oeuvre and his interesting life story, Vodaine is a little-known artist, and the main aim of this master’s thesis was to broaden knowledge of him. To achieve this goal, we designed five lessons for secondary schools, dealing with different aspects of his life and work (literary work, painting, typography, the versatility of his work and his emigrant identity). The lessons were created as cross-curricular, linking four school subjects: French, Fine Arts, Slovene and History. In the theoretical part, we have summarised the theory and issues of cross-curricular integration in Slovenian education. Although it is a well-known and theoretically well-researched concept, it is relatively little used by teachers in schools. We have also summarised the life and work of Jean Vodaine in the theoretical part. In the practical part, we tested the lessons in two grammar schools in Celje, and at the same time, students were asked to complete a questionnaire on cross-curricular integration. The results of the survey confirmed that the lessons are well designed, that there are few lessons with cross-curricular integration in Slovenian schools and that students would like to see more of them. The master’s thesis can thus serve as a guide for teachers who would like to introduce Jean Vodaine to their students or as a model for planning similar cross-curricular lessons.