
Kritična stilistika v interpretaciji besedila: primer Cankarjevih političnih spisov
ID Kores, Maiken Ana (Author), ID Gorjanc, Vojko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na razvoj modela za preučevanje jezika skozi kritično stilistiko, upoštevajoč zakonitosti slovenskega jezika in slovnice. Glavni predmet raziskave je izbor političnih spisov Ivana Cankarja z naslovom Kako sem postal socialist in drugi spisi iz leta 2018. Kritična stilistika kot veja kritične lingvistike je bila doslej bolj razvita v drugih jezikovnih okoljih, zlasti angleškem, od koder izvira model, na katerega se raziskava opira. Čeprav je bila na to temo že izvedena pilotna študija, ki je bila leta 2018 predstavljena v okviru študentske konference Cankar i(n) mi v Beogradu, so izhodišča za preučevanje jezika v tem kontekstu potrebna prilagoditve slovenskemu jeziku. Namen dela je raziskavo nadgraditi in razširiti ter razviti model, ki bo uporaben za analizo različnih besedilnih vrst v slovenščini. Raziskava bo podala celosten vpogled v dela Ivana Cankarja z vidika kritične stilistike, natančno preučila njegov značilen slog v povezavi z ideološkimi vidiki besedila ter s tem prispevala k obsežnejšemu razumevanju dela enega najpomembnejših slovenskih pisateljev. Ker v slovenskem jezikoslovnem prostoru še ni ustaljenega modela za analizo jezika prek kritične stilistike, se pričakuje, da bo raziskava postavila teoretski in metodološki okvir, ki bo skladen s slovenskim jezikom in uporaben za analizo različnih vrst besedil. Poleg tega želimo s tem poudariti pomembnost razumevanja besedil ter njihovih slogovnih in ideoloških značilnosti.

Keywords:Ivan Cankar, kritična stilistika, diskurzivna analiza, slovenska moderna, pragmatika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159878 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:204745987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Critical Stylistics in Text Interpretation: A Case Study of Cankar's Political Essays
The master's thesis aims to develop a Slovene-specific model for a critical stylistic analysis of language. The analytical corpus consists of a selection of Ivan Cankar's political essays titled Kako sem postal socialist in drugi spisi (How I Became a Socialist and Other Essays), published in 2018. Critical stylistics, which emerged following developments in critical linguistics, has been thus far chiefly elaborated in other linguistic, primarily English-speaking environments. The latter forms the basis of the framework that this research draws from and adapts accordingly. Although a pilot study had already been conducted on this subject and presented at the 2018 Cankar i(n) mi (Cankar and Us) student conference in Belgrade, it is necessary to adapt the critical stylistics framework to the specificities of Slovene. This research strives to enhance and develop an analytical framework that could provide the basis for the potential future scholarship of various genres. The analysis provides a comprehensive insight into Ivan Cankar's works from the perspective of critical stylistics, examining his distinctive style in conjunction with the ideologies encoded within the text, thus contributing to a broader understanding of one of the most important Slovenian writers. Since there is no established model for analysing language through critical stylistics in the Slovene linguistic space, it is expected that this research will establish a theoretical and methodological framework that is consistent with the specificities of the Slovene language and applicable to a variety of text types. In addition, this thesis aims to emphasize the significance of understanding texts, their stylistic characteristics and underlying ideologies.

Keywords:Ivan Cankar, critical stylistics, discourse analysis, Slovene Modernism, pragmatics

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