
Učinki glasbe na učenje matematike
ID Urek, Ela (Author), ID Pompe, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Habe, Katarina (Comentor)

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Učenje matematike predstavlja veliko težavo mnogim posameznikom skozi izobraževalni proces. Ob premagovanju tovrstne problematike se je kot učinkovito orodje izkazala glasba. Potencial glasbe kot strategije za poučevanje je treba razumeti na podlagi tega, kako glasbo procesirajo možgani. Namen naše raziskave je bil, da ugotovimo, v kolikšni meri se posamezniki učijo matematiko ob glasbi v ozadju, kakšni so parametri tovrstne glasbe in ali učenje matematike ob glasbi vpliva na njihove duševne procese. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 81 srednješolcev, ki imajo v veliki meri že izoblikovane učne navade. Rezultati, pridobljeni s kvantitativno metodo raziskovanja, so pokazali, da prevladujejo dijaki, ki se vsaj občasno učijo matematiko z glasbo v ozadju. Izkazalo se je, da poslušanje glasbe med učenjem matematike lahko vpliva na bolj sproščeno počutje posameznika, njegovo koncentracijo, spomin, aktivacijo bolj pozitivnih čustev med učenjem in motivacijo, vendar imajo pri tem pomembo vlogo individualne razlike, osebne (glasbene) preference in drugi dejavniki, med katere spadajo zmogljivost delovnega spomina, matematična tesnoba, vpliv matematičnih pedagogov, zastavljanje prioritet in ciljev, navade posameznika idr. Rezultati so potrdili, da je glasba, ki jo posamezniki poslušajo pri učenju matematike, tudi v splošnem njihova najljubša.

Keywords:učenje, glasba, matematika, prostorsko-časovno sklepanje, interdisciplinarni pouk
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159834 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Effects of Music on Learning Mathematics
Learning mathematics presents a great difficulty for many individuals throughout the educational process. Music has proven to be an effective tool in overcoming this type of problem. The potential of music as a teaching strategy comes from an understanding of how it is processed in the brain. However, the aim of our research was to find out to what extent individuals learn mathematics with music in the background, what are the parameters of this type of music and whether learning mathematics with music affects their mental processes. 81 high school students took part in the research, and to a large extent they have already developed their study habits. The results obtained with the quantitative research method showed a predominance of students who, at least occasionally, learn mathematics with music in the background. Listening to music while learning mathematics can affect the individual's more relaxed feeling, concentration, memory, activation of more positive emotions and motivation, but individual differences, personal (musical) preferences, and other factors such as working memory capacity, math anxiety, the influence of math educators, setting priorities and goals, individual habits, etc., play an important role. Our findings confirmed that the music individuals listen to while learning mathematics is also their favorite.

Keywords:learning, music, mathematics, spatial-temporal reasoning, interdisciplinary teaching

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