
Bibliografski opis avdiovizualnih virov na osnovi ISBD(NBM) in Združene izdaje ISBD
ID Bertalanič, Maruša (Author), ID Šauperl, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Frelih, Martina (Comentor)

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Uporabniki se danes z avdiovizualnimi (AV) viri kot vrsto neknjižnega gradiva dnevno srečujejo zaradi njihove razširjenosti in raznolikosti. Njihove specifične lastnosti zahtevajo čim bolj popoln bibliografski opis, ki uporabniku omogoča najdbo, identifikacijo, izbor in dostop do ustreznega vira. Magistrsko delo podrobno predstavlja in primerja bibliografske opise AV-gradiva na podlagi dveh standardov, ISBD(NBM) in Združene izdaje ISBD. Izdelali smo bibliografske opise po ISBD(NBM) in po Združeni izdaji. S primerjalno analizo smo pregledali elemente po vseh območjih, iskali razlike in izpostavljali spremembe, uvedene z Združeno izdajo. S poudarkom na bibliografskem opisu po Združeni izdaji smo skozi primere različnih vrst AV-virov preverjali, ali Združena izdaja zagotavlja skladnost s cilji in funkcijami kataloga, opredeljenimi v Izjavi o mednarodnih katalogizacijskih načelih. Ugotovili smo, da Združena izdaja predvideva bibliografski opis z bolj smiselnim zaporedjem elementov. Z uvedbo določil za obliko vsebine in vrsto medija v novem območju 0 bolj natančno opredeli in razčleni AV-vir, kar uporabniku omogoča lažjo identifikacijo in izbor gradiva, s čimer zagotavlja skladnost s funkcijami kataloga. Splošna oznaka gradiva po ISBD(NBM) se po primerjavi izkaže za pomanjkljivo.

Keywords:katalogizacija, neknjižno gradivo, avdiovizualni viri, ISBD, ISBD(NBM), Združena izdaja ISBD, Območje oblike vsebina in vrste medija, Območje 0
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159833 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203292675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.07.2024
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Title:Bibliographic Description of Audiovisual Resources according to ISBD(NBM) and ISBD Consolidated Edition
Users today frequently encounter audiovisual (AV) resources as a type of non-book material due to their prevalence and diversity. Their specific characteristics require a detailed bibliographic description that enables users to find, identify, select, and access the appropriate resource. The master's thesis thoroughly presents and compares the bibliographic descriptions of AV materials based on two standards, ISBD(NBM) and the Consolidated Edition of ISBD. We have prepared bibliographic descriptions according to ISBD(NBM) and the Consolidated Edition. Through a comparative analysis, we reviewed elements across all areas, looked for differences, and highlighted changes introduced with the Consolidated Edition. With a focus on the bibliographic description according to the Consolidated Edition, we tested through examples of various types of AV resources whether the Consolidated Edition ensures compliance with the goals and functions of the catalog, as defined in the Statement of International Cataloguing Principles. We found that the Consolidated Edition anticipates a bibliographic description with a more meaningful sequence of elements. By introducing specifications for content form and media type in the new area 0, it more precisely defines and dissects the AV resource, which enables easier identification and selection of materials by the user, thus ensuring compliance with the functions of the catalog. The general material designation according to ISBD(NBM) proved to be inadequate upon comparison.

Keywords:cataloguing, non-book materials, audiovisual resources, ISBD, ISBD(NBM), Consolidated edition ISBD, Content form and media type area, Area 0

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