
Platon in Aristotel o prijateljstvu
ID Pavliha, Gal (Avtor), ID Zore, Franc (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na pojem prijateljstva v antičnem svetu, natančneje v razumevanju prijateljstva pri Platonu in Aristotelu. Oba svetu podajata svoji razlagi pojma. V tej nalogi je raziskana filozofska in etična implikacija pojma pri obeh. Platon, eden izmed najvplivnejših filozofov antične Grčije, je svoje poglede na prijateljstvo, tako kot na vse drugo, prikazal v okviru svojih dialogov. V enem izmed njih je obravnaval prijateljstvo kot ključni element etičnega in političnega življenja. V magistrski nalogi je raziskano Platonovo pojmovanje prijateljstva, in sicer preko dialogov Lizis, Fajdros in Simpozij. Z namenom bolje osvetliti razumevanje medsebojne vezi prijateljstva je preko osme in devete knjige Nikomahove etike opredeljeno tudi Aristotelovo pojmovanje. V nalogi so izpostavljene tako podobnosti kot razlike v pojmovanju prijateljstva obeh filozofov. Naloga se deloma osredotoča tudi na pomembno vlogo, ki jo je imela v povezavi s prijateljstvom philía. Preko osvetlitve pomena slednje se naloga vrne na pojmovanje prijateljstva. Ob tem sta raziskana pomen in vrednost prijateljstva, na koncu pa naloga skuša podati zaključne podobnosti in razlike v tem, kako sta prijateljstvo pojmovala in vrednotila oba velika filozofa. Naloga poudari, da Platon prijateljstva ni tako jasno klasificiral, kot je to naredil Aristotel. Pri Platonu je vidna ideja pravega prijateljstva, ki ima izhodišče v moralnih in duhovnih vrlinah. Sicer je po drugi strani Aristotel prav tako izhajal iz prijateljskih vezi, vendar pa je bil zanj končni smoter človeka srečno in razumno življenje. Naloga pokaže, da je pri Platonu glavna vloga prijateljstva duhovna povezanost z ljubim drugim, kar je hkrati tudi vodilo na poti do resnice. Po drugi strani pa je pri Aristotelu prijateljstvo tisto, kar daje moč družbenim vezem in kar je prav tako glavnega pomena za srečno življenje na osebni ter družbeni ravni.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Platon, Aristotel, Simpozij, Fajdros, Lizis, Nikomahova etika, prijateljstvo, philía, eros.
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159830 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:27.07.2024
Število ogledov:122
Število prenosov:14
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Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Plato and Aristotle on Friendship
The master's thesis Plato and Aristotle on Friendship focuses on the concept of friendship in the ancient world, more precisely on the understanding of friendship in the works of Plato and Aristotle. Both give their own interpretations of the concept. In this assignment, philosophical and ethical implication of the concept of both philosophers are explored. Plato, one of the most influential philosophers of ancient Greece, showed his views on friendship, like everything else, in the context of his dialogues. In these, he considered friendship as a key element of ethical and political life. Plato's concept of friendship is investigated from that perspective, namely through the dialogues Lysis, Phaedrus and Symposium. Aristotle’s conception is also defined through the eighth and ninth books of the Nicomachean Ethics in order to further illuminate the understanding of the mutual bond of friendship. The assignment highlights both similarities and differences in the conception of friendship of the two philosophers. The task also partly focuses on the important role played by philía in relation to friendship. By illuminating the meaning of the latter, the work returns to the concept of friendship. With that, the meaning and value of friendship are investigated, attempting to give the final similarities and differences in how friendship was conceived and valued by the two great philosophers. The assignment pinpoints that Plato did not classify friendship as clearly as Aristotle. With Plato, the idea of true friendship is visible, which originates in moral and spiritual virtues. On the other hand, Aristotle also started from friendly ties, but for him, the ultimate goal of any man is a happy and reasonable life. The work shows that for Plato the main role of friendship is a spiritual connection with a loved and significant other, which at the same time was a guide on the way to the truth. On the other hand, friendship is what gives strength to social ties for Aristotle, which is also of primary importance for a happy life on a personal and social level.

Ključne besede:Plato, Aristotle, Symposium, Phaedrus, Lysis, Nicomachean Ethics, friendship, philía, eros.

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