
Dejavniki (ne)spodbude transformacije hobija kot neformalne oblike dela v samozaposlitev kot formalno obliko dela : diplomsko delo
ID Fajdiga, Vida (Author), ID Ignjatović, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Podjetništvo v Sloveniji je privlačna karierna odločitev, število podjetij namreč iz leta v leto narašča. Kar tri četrtine vseh podjetij v Sloveniji predstavljajo mikro podjetja, kjer najdemo najvišji delež samostojnih podjetnikov. Odločitev za transformacijo svojega hobija kot obliko prostočasne sprostitve in samoaktualizacije ni enostavna, nanjo vpliva več prepletajočih se dejavnikov. Te dejavnike lahko smiselno razdelimo na pet področij. Prvo je področje delovne aktivnosti in pogojev dela. Sledi sklop dejavnikov vezan na državo, pripadajočo administracijo in vse regulatorne predpise in morebitne ovire. Tretji dejavnik zajema področje financiranja zagona in cenovno politiko podjetja. Sledi mu sklop, ki se tiče notranjega delovanja podjetja, razvoja produktov in rasti podjetja. Zadnji, peti sklop dejavnikov pa podrobneje predstavi motive za delovanje podjetja z javnostjo, gre za potrošnike, trženje in izkoriščanje socialnih medijev. Znotraj vsakega od teh sklopov lahko orišemo posamezne dejavnike, ki so na posameznike v procesu odločitve za samostojno podjetniško pot vplivali spodbujevalno in dejavnike, ki so jih na tej poti zavirali, v njih porajali dvom v uspeh podjetja.

Keywords:hobi, samostojno podjetništvo, dejavniki spodbude, dejavniki zaviranja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:V. Fajdiga
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (69 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159768 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203371523 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:(Not)encouraging factors of transformation of hobby as an informal form of work into self-employment as a formal form of work
Entrepreneurship in Slovenia is an attractive career decision, as the number of companies is increasing year by year. Almost three-quarters of all enterprises in Slovenia are micro-enterprises, where we find the largest share of self-employed entrepreneurs. The decision to transform one's hobby as a form of free time relaxation and self-actualization is not easy, as it is influenced by several intertwining factors. We can divide these factors into five categories. The first is the category of work activity and working conditions. Next is the category related to the State, the associated administration, regulations and possible obstacles. The third group of factors addresses topics such as company start-up financing and company's pricing policy. This is followed by a category related to the company's internal operations, product development and company growth. The last, fifth set of factors presents in more detail the motives for the company's operation with the public, it concerns consumers, marketing and the use of social media. Within each of these categories, we can find individual factors that had a positive, push impact on individuals in the process of deciding for an independent entrepreneurial path, and factors that pulled them back on this path and caused them to doubt the success of the company.

Keywords:hobby, sole entrepreneurship, encouraging factors, inhibiting factors

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