
Stališča staršev o načrtovanju dvojne kariere nogometašev : magistrsko delo
ID Jager, Aljaž (Author), ID Bon, Marta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Načrtovanje kariere je v sodobnem športu naraščajoč trend, katerega namen je doseči ustreznejšo strukturiranost športne kariere pri otrocih in mladih, tako iz vidika načrtovanja športnega in izobraževalnega dela, kot tudi iz vidika vprašanja o opori trenerjev in agentov oz. tistih, ki naj bi načrtovanje kariere usmerjali. V magistrskem delu smo želeli preveriti, ali obstajajo razlike v stališčih o načrtovanju dvojne kariere glede na spol staršev in glede na starost njihovega otroka. Cilji magistrskega dela so bili vezani na ugotavljanje stališč staršev o načrtovanju dvojne kariere otrok v konkretnem nogometnem okolju – v okolju NK Aluminij. Spletni vprašalnik je ustrezno izpolnilo 155 staršev. Anketiranih je bilo 75 moških in 80 žensk, 33 staršev deklet in 122 staršev dečkov. Več kot polovica staršev dosega nadpovprečni mesečni dohodek. Več kot polovica nogometašev ima odličen uspeh. Večina staršev meni, da nudijo ustrezno vsestransko oporo svojemu otroku, podobno ocenjujejo tudi oporo trenerjev. Visoko cenijo organiziranost in podporo kluba. Glede kariernih ciljev se s trenerji in otroki redko pogovarjajo. Rezultati nadalje kažejo statistično značilno razliko le pri enem stališču, in sicer pri razlogih za ukvarjanje. Očetje menijo, da je njihova pripadnost nogometu poglavitno vplivala na ukvarjanje njihovega otroka s tem športom. Preverili smo tudi stališča staršev do vpliva agentov v nogometu otrok. Več kot polovica staršev je z vlogo agentov seznanjena, ampak ne verjamejo, da imajo le-ti kakršenkoli vpliv v NK Aluminij. Večina staršev tudi ne načrtuje povezave z agenti pri nadaljnjem poteku kariere njihovih otrok. Naša študija je pomemben raziskovalni prispevek na področju načrtovanja kariere otrok in mladostnikov v nogometu. Verjeti je, da bi z ustreznim načrtovanjem dvojne kariere nogomet kot šport nudil še koristnejše življenjske izkušnje. Verjetno bi to povzročilo tudi manjši upad mladih, ki prehajajo iz mladinskega v vrhunski nogomet. Izkušnje staršev oz. stališča bi bilo smiselno vtkati v strategijo nadaljnjega razvoja dela z mladimi nogometaši ne le v NK Aluminij Kidričevo, temveč tudi v ostalih podobnih nogometnih okoljih.

Keywords:dvojna kariera, nogomet, stališča, starši, NK Aluminij
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159738 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205030659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Parent's attitudes towards dual career planning of football players
Career planning is a growing trend in modern sports with the aim of better structuring the sports career of children and young people, both from the perspective of planning the sports and educational aspects, as well as the support provided by coaches and agents, or those who are supposed to guide career planning. In this master's thesis, we wanted to examine whether there are differences in attitudes towards planning a dual career based on the gender of the parents and the age of their child. The objectives of the master's thesis were related to determining the attitudes of parents about planning the dual career of children in a specific football environment - in the environment of NK Aluminij. An online questionnaire was properly completed by 155 parents. The respondents included 75 men and 80 women; 33 parents of girls and 122 parents of boys. More than half of the parents have above-average monthly income. More than half of the football players have excellent academic performance. Most parents believe that they provide adequate all-round support to their child; they similarly rate the support provided by coaches. They highly appreciate the organization and support of the club. They rarely discuss career goals with coaches and children. The results further show a statistically significant difference in only one attitude - reasons for engagement. Fathers believe that their own commitment to football has significantly influenced their child's involvement in it. We also examined parents' attitudes towards the influence of agents in children's football. More than half of the parents are aware of the role of agents, but do not believe that they have any influence in NK Aluminij. Most parents also do not plan to connect with agents in the further career development of their children. Our study represents a significant research contribution to the field of career planning for children and adolescents in football. It is believed that with appropriate planning of dual careers, football as a sport could offer even more beneficial life experiences. This would likely result in a smaller decline in the number of youths transitioning from youth to professional football. It would be meaningful to incorporate the experiences of parents or their perspectives into the strategy for further development of work with young football players not only in NK Aluminij Kidričevo but also in other similar football environments.

Keywords:dual career, footbal, viewpoints, parents, FC Aluminij

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