
Spreminjanje pomenov čokolade skozi čas: primerjalna analiza dveh generacij na primeru Maribora : diplomsko delo
ID Černec, Mateja (Author), ID Stanković, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Hrana je veliko več, kot le sredstvo za preživetje. Ima vrsto različnih pomenov, ki pa so kulturno specifični. Je vez med posameznikom in družbo v kateri živi. Hkrati nam določena hrana lahko prikliče spomine in občutke in s tem spreminja naše dojemanje hrane. Enako velja za čokolado. Kljub dolgi zgodovini kakava je zgodba čokolade, kot jo poznamo danes relativno kratka. Pa vendar se pomeni, ki se prepletajo z njo, že odkar so jo predhodniki Majev in Azetkov srkali iz vrčkov, še vedno prenašajo skozi vsa obdobja zgodovine, pa čeprav v spremenjeni obliki. Priznati pa moramo, da so se tokom časa tvorili novi pomeni, ki jih je predvsem sproducirala potrošniška kultura. Tako se dandanes na čokolado vežejo najrazličnejši pomeni, tako pozitivni pomeni, kot negativni – vse od bogastva, razkošja, moči, sofistikacije, ugodja, zdravja, pa do lakomnosti in požrešnosti. Zaradi cene in ekskluzivnosti, pa je posebno vlogo dobila tudi v obdarovanju, v okviru katerega pa pridobila na simbolnih pomenih, kot je simbol ljubezni, romantike, prijateljstva.

Keywords:hrana, čokolada, pomen, spomin
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Černec
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (54 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159729 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203413251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Symbolic meanings change of chocolate through time: comparative analysis of two generations on case of Maribor
Food is a lot more than just a means of survival. It has a range of different meanings that are culturally specific. It is the link between an individual and the society in which he lives. At the same time, certain foods can evoke memories and feelings and thus change our perception of food. The same goes for chocolate. Despite the long history of cocoa, the story of chocolate as we know it today is relatively short. And yet, the meanings intertwined with it, ever since the Mayan and Aztec predecessors sipped it from mugs, are still carried through all periods of history, albeit in a modified form. However, we must admit that new meanings were formed over time, which were primarily produced by consumer culture. So nowadays chocolate is associated with a wide variety of meanings, both positive and negative – everything from wealth, luxury, power, sophistication, pleasure, health, to gluttony and greed. Due to its price and exclusivity, it also played a special role in gift giving, where it acquired symbolic meanings, such as a symbol of love, romance, and friendship.

Keywords:food, chocolate, meaning, memory

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