
Kemijske in fizikalne lastnosti nevidnih opornic : diplomsko delo
ID Virant, Vanesa (Author), ID Ovsenik, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hren, Doroteja (Comentor), ID Bohinc, Peter (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Zobni aparat ima pomembno vlogo pri ponovni vzpostavitvi funkcije griza, s čimer izboljša fizično in psihično zdravje ter počutje posameznika. Sodoben in vedno bolj priljubljen način zdravljenja ortodontskih nepravilnosti omogoča tudi nevidni zobni aparat. Deluje po principu prosojnih snemljivih opornic, ki jih uporabnik menja na približno en do tri tedne in jih mora dnevno nositi vsaj 22 ur. Njegova bistvena prednost je, da je v ustih skoraj neopazen in je snemljiv (Rošer, 2018). Omogoča lažjo, boljšo ustno higieno in je bolj prijeten za nošenje kot klasičen fiksni zobni aparat. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je zajeti spremembe, ki jih nevidne opornice povzročijo v ustni votlini. Vsebuje tudi kratek pregled zgodovinskega razvoja, generacij in materialov, ki se trenutno uporabljajo za izdelavo nevidnih snemljivih ortodontskih opornic. Metode dela: Delo temelji na deskriptivni metodi zbiranja, pregleda in analize strokovne in znanstvene literature. Glavni viri so znanstveni članki in knjige v elektronski obliki, ki so bili dosegljivi s pomočjo spletnih strokovnih baz in brskalnikov, kot so PubMed, ScienceDirect, Medline, Google učenjak, Cinahl, Cochrane, ter preko podatkovne baze COBISS. Pri iskanju literature so bile uporabljene ključne besede in besedne zveze v slovenščini in angleščini, kot so ortodontske opornice, orthodontic aligners, physical properties of orthodontic aligners, chemical properties of orthodontic aligners, impact of aligners on oral health. Praktični del pa zajema izdelavo nevidne snemljive ortodontske opornice v računalniškem programu. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskav kažejo, da sestava materialov, uporabljenih pri izdelavi nevidnih snemljivih ortodontskih opornic, vpliva na njihovo klinično učinkovitost. Pomembnost kemijskih in fizikalnih lastnosti ortodontskih opornic se odraža v njihovi vlogi pri učinkovitosti zdravljenja in udobju pacientov. Razprava in zaključek: Raziskave potrjujejo, da so nevidne snemljive ortodontske opornice doživele veliko izboljšav od svojih prvih konceptov do danes, zlasti s prilagoditvami in izboljšavami, kot so vakuumska obdelava in CAD/CAM tehnologija. Materiali, uporabljeni za izdelavo, morajo zagotavljati ustrezno kemijsko odpornost, biokompatibilnost, mehansko trdnost in barvno stabilnost za dolgoročno estetiko in funkcionalnost. Tudi napredek v postopku izdelave z uporabo 3D optičnega skeniranja in digitalnega modeliranja, skupaj z natančno postavitvijo kompozitnih naslonk, povečuje natančnost in učinkovitost zdravljenja z ortodontskimi opornicami.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, ortodontske opornice, fizikalne lastnosti, kemične lastnosti, vpliv na zdravje ustne votline
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Virant]
Number of pages:30 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159717 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202271491 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Chemical and physical properties of invisible orthodontic braces : diploma work
Introduction: Dental braces play an important role in restoring bite function, thus improving the physical and mental health and well-being of the individual. A modern and increasingly popular way of treating orthodontic anomalies is the invisible dental appliance. It is a transparent removable splint, which is changed by the wearer every one to three weeks and must be worn at least 22 hours daily. Its main advantage is that it is almost invisible in the mouth and is removable (Rošer, 2018). It allows easier and better oral hygiene and is more comfortable to wear than a conventional fixed appliance. Purpose: The aim is to investigate what changes invisible braces cause in the oral cavity. The thesis also provides a brief overview of the historical development, generations and range of materials currently used for the fabrication of invisible removable orthodontic splints. Methods: The work is based on a descriptive method of collecting, reviewing and analyzing peer-reviewed and scientific literature. The main sources are scientific articles and books in electronic format, accessible through online databases and browsers such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, Medline, Google scholar, Cinahl, Cochrane, COBISS. The literature search uses keywords and phrases in Slovene and English, such as orthodontic braces, orthodontic aligners, physical properties of orthodontic aligners, chemical properties of orthodontic aligners, impact of aligners on oral health. The practical part of this thesis includes the fabrication of an invisible removable orthodontic brace in a computer program. Results: The results show that the composition of the materials used in the manufacture of invisible removable orthodontic braces has an impact on their clinical performance. The importance of the chemical and physical properties of orthodontic splints is reflected in treatment efficacy and patient comfort. Discussion and conclusion: Research confirms that invisible removable orthodontic braces have undergone significant improvements since their first concepts, in particular through adaptations and innovations such as vacuum machining and CAD/CAM technology. The materials used for manufacturing must provide adequate chemical resistance, biocompatibility, mechanical strength and colour stability for long-term aesthetics and functionality. The accompanying advances in the manufacturing process using 3D scanning and digital modelling, together with precise placement of composite abutments, increase the accuracy and efficiency of orthodontic splint treatment.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, orthodontic aligners, physical properties, chemical properties, impact on oral health

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