
Učenci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja pri pouku Nauka o glasbi v glasbeni šoli : magistrsko delo
ID Kumar, Urška (Author), ID Habe, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ključni raziskovalni problem naloge predstavljajo specifične učne težave pri pouku Nauka o glasbi, njihove značilnosti in kako jih je mogoče prepoznati. Želeli smo pridobiti poglobljeni uvid v problematiko z vidika posameznikov s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja, ki so uspeli priti do univerzitetne ravni glasbenega izobraževanje, in osvetliti njihove izzive na tej poti ter prilagoditve, ki so jim pri tem pomagale. V uvodnem poglavju magistrske naloge sta predstavljena vloga in pomen glasbenega izobraževanja pri posamezniku in v družbi. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena inkluzivnost v glasbenih šolah. Za tem sledi predstavitev specifičnih učnih motenj in učencev s tovrstnimi motnjami. Pri vsaki specifični motnji ter primanjkljaju na posameznem področju učenja smo predstavili značilnosti učencev s težavo in rešitve ter prilagoditve za učence s tovrstnimi težavami. Na koncu teoretičnega dela smo našteli še uporabne didaktične igre in pripomočke, ki nudijo podporo učencem s specifično učno motnjo. Vaje so namenjene tudi kot podpora učiteljem za poučevanje na glasbenem področju. V raziskavi je bila uporabljena kvalitativna metoda raziskovanja, pred tem pa smo zastavili šest ključnih raziskovalnih vprašanj. Na podlagi teh smo pripravili vprašanja ter izvedli šest intervjujev z udeleženci. Udeleženci naše raziskave so študenti glasbe, ki imajo primanjkljaj na posameznem področju učenja. Želeli smo raziskati, kako se primanjkljaji na posameznem področju učenja kažejo pri glasbenoteoretičnih predmetih. Z raziskavo smo prišli do zaključka, da je učenec s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja lahko zelo uspešen na glasbenem področju in da specifične učne težave ne predstavljajo ovire pri doseganju ciljev. Pomembno pa je, da takemu učencu omogočimo ustrezne prilagoditve, ki jih navaja Odločba o primanjkljaju na posameznem področju učenja. Učenci z omenjenimi težavami so se primorani naučiti tudi drugih življenjskih veščin kot so vztrajnost in potrpežljivost.

Keywords:izobraževalni proces, glasbeno šolstvo, primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja, specifične učne težave, disleksija, študenti glasbe, Nauk o glasbi, inkluzija, magistrska dela, magistrske naloge
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:AG - Academy of Music
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:U. Kumar
Number of pages:131 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159691 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201600259 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Students with deficits in a specific area of learning in music theory lessons in music schools
The key research problem of the master's thesis is specific learning difficulties in music lessons, their characteristics and how they can be identified. We wanted to gain an in-depth insight into the problem from the perspective of individuals with deficits in specific areas of learning who have managed to reach the university level of music education and to shed light on their challenges along the way and the adaptations that have helped them to do so. The introductory chapter of the master’s thesis outlines the role and importance of music education for the individual and for society. Inclusion in music schools is discussed. This is followed by a description of specific learning disabilities and students with such disabilities. For each specific disorder and deficit in a particular area of learning, the characteristics of students with the problem and the solutions and adaptations for students with that type of problem are presented. At the end of the theoretical part, we have listed useful didactic games and tools that offer support to students with specific learning disabilities. The exercises are also designed to support teachers in teaching music. The study used a qualitative research method and asked six key research questions. On this basis, we prepared questions and conducted six interviews with the participants. The participants in our study are music students who show deficits in a particular area of learning. We wanted to investigate how deficits in a particular area of learning manifest themselves in music theory subjects. The study concluded that a student with deficits in a particular area of learning can be very successful in music and that specific learning difficulties are not a barrier to achieving their goals. However, it is important that such a student can make the appropriate adjustments indicated in the decision about deficits in a particular learning area. Students with these problems are also forced to learn other life skills such as perseverance and patience.

Keywords:educational process, deficits in a specific area of learning, specific learning difficulties, dyslexia, music students, music theory, inclusion, master's theses

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