
Sprejemljivost mesa piščancev, krmljenih z dodatkom ličink črne bojevniške muhe (Hermetia illucens L.), pri potrošnikih
ID Karara Geršak, Ema Luna (Author), ID Kuhar, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Korošec, Mojca (Comentor)

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Naraščanje svetovnega prebivalstva vodi do povečanega povpraševanja po mesu in mesnih izdelkih, kar predstavlja velik izziv za sodobne agroživilske sisteme. S tem se povečuje potreba po sestavinah krme za rejne živali, kot sta sojina in ribja moka, katerih pridelava negativno vpliva na okolje. Nekatere žuželke, kot je črna bojevniška muha (BSF), lahko predstavljajo potencialno trajnostno alternativo tem virom beljakovin. Uporaba žuželk v krmi lahko pomembno zmanjša okoljski odtis živinorejske proizvodnje in izboljša stopnjo samooskrbe v Evropi. Vendar pa je za uspešno uvedbo žuželk v krmo ključno ugotoviti, kakšna je sprejemljivost mesa živali, krmljenih z žuželkami pri potrošnikih. V raziskavi, ki je vključevala 773 slovenskih potrošnikov, smo preučili dejavnike, ki vplivajo na sprejemljivost žuželk v krmi za rejne živali. Rezultati kažejo, da so za potrošnike žuželke najbolj sprejemljive v krmi za piščance (74 %), pri čemer jim je ključnega pomena zagotavljanje varnosti piščančjega mesa. Poleg varnosti so pomembni dejavniki za večjo sprejemljivost tudi poznavanje žuželk kot prehranskega vira in pretekle izkušnje z uživanjem žuželk. Več kot 90 % anketirancev je bilo že seznanjenih z uporabo žuželk v prehrani, 24 % pa jih je žuželke v preteklosti že poskusilo. Mlajši udeleženci raziskave z višjo stopnjo izobrazbe so v večji meri pripravljeni sprejeti meso piščancev, ki so bili krmljeni z žuželkami. Raziskava kaže, da bo za premagovanje prehranske neofobije in izboljšanje sprejemljivosti žuželk slovenske potrošnike potrebno izobraževati in ozaveščati o prednostih žuželk kot trajnostnega vira beljakovin. To bo zmanjšalo pomisleke glede varnosti in spodbudilo sprejemanje inovativnih rešitev v kmetijstvu.

Keywords:piščančje meso, krma za rejne živali, alternativni vir beljakovin, žuželke, črna bojevniška muha, sprejemljivost žuželk v krmi, potrošniki, krožno gospodarstvo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[E. L. Karara Geršak]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159666 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202219011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Consumer acceptance of meat from chickens fed black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens, L.) larvae-containing feeds
The growing world population is leading to an increasing demand for meat and meat products, posing a major challenge for modern agricultural and food systems. This increases the demand for feed ingredients such as soybean meal and fishmeal, the production of which has a negative impact on the environment. Insects such as the black soldier fly (BSF) offer a potentially sustainable alternative to these protein sources. The use of insects in animal feed can significantly reduce the environmental footprint of livestock farming and improve self-sufficiency in Europe. However, consumer acceptance of insect-fed chicken meat is crucial for the successful implementation of such solutions. In a survey of 773 Slovenian consumers, we investigated the factors that influence the acceptance of insects in animal feed. The results show that the use of insects in chicken feed has the highest acceptance among consumers (74%), with the safety of the chicken meat being of key importance. In addition to safety, knowledge about insects as a food source and previous experience of eating insects are also important factors for acceptance. More than 90% of respondents are familiar with eating insects and 24% have tried them before. Younger participants with higher levels of education were more likely to accept chicken meat from insect-fed chickens. The survey shows that in order to overcome food neophobia and improve the acceptance of insects, it is necessary to educate Slovenian consumers about the benefits of insects as a sustainable source of protein. This will help to reduce safety concerns and encourage the adoption of such innovative solutions in agriculture.

Keywords:chicken meat, livestock feed, alternative protein sources, insects, black soldier fly, acceptability of insects in feed, consumers, circular economy

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