
Analiza razlik v telesnih značilnostih in gibalnih sposobnostih med različnimi igralnimi mesti v mlajših ženskih nogometnih reprezentancah : magistrsko delo
ID Kutnjak, Manca (Author), ID Vučković, Goran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pocrnjič, Marko (Comentor)

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Na vzorcu 23 nogometašic slovenskih ženskih mladinskih reprezentanc, starih med 16 in 18 let, smo ugotavljali telesne značilnosti ter gibalne in funkcionalne sposobnosti na različnih igralnih mestih. Zanimale so nas razlike med igralnimi mesti in primerjava teh značilnosti in sposobnosti z igralkami tujih ženskih reprezentanc. Uporabili smo merske inštrumente ustaljene testne baterije v sklopu rednih vsakoletnih testiranj. Prisotnost razlik v značilnostih in sposobnostih igralk na različnih igralnih mestih smo ugotavljali z enosmerno analizo variance (ANOVA). S Tukey post hoc testom smo preverjali statistično značilnost ugotovljenih razlik (p < 0,05). Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med igralnimi mesti pri vseh spremenljivkah telesnih značilnosti (TV, TT, BFM, SMM, mišična masa desne in leve noge) ter pri nekaterih gibalnih in anaerobnih sposobnostih. Vratarki sta bili najvišji in najtežji ter imeli najvišjo mišično maso obeh nog. Najvišji odstotek maščobne mase je bil izmerjen pri veznih igralkah, najvišji odstotek skeletne mišične mase pa je bil izmerjen pri branilkah. Vratarki sta imeli tudi najslabše razmerje med skokom iz počepa in skokom z nasprotnim gibanjem ter statistično značilno daljši povprečni čas ponovitve testa 8 × 40 m v primerjavi z branilkami. Rezultati raziskave in naše ugotovitve kažejo na potrebo po poglobljenem razumevanju povezav med antropološkimi značilnostmi in temeljnimi kondicijskimi sposobnostmi, ki jih je v trenažnem procesu potrebno načrtovati in predvsem izvajati z upoštevanjem tehničnih in taktičnih vsebin. Te se navezujejo na individualno, skupinsko in skupno delovanje ob čemer moramo upoštevati cikličnosti obremenjevanja in počitka skozi pripravljalno in tekmovalno obdobje.

Keywords:ženski nogomet, telesne značilnosti, gibalne sposobnosti, igralna mesta
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159664 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205029123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of differences in morphological characteristics and motorskills between different playing positions in youth women's football national teams
On the sample of 23 female players of the Slovenian women's youth national teams between age 16 and 18, we were analysing differences between playing positions in physical characteristics, motor and functional abilities. The players were tested according to an established test battery as part of regular annual testing. We were also interested in comparing the results with players from other national teams. Analyses of differences were calculated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The Tukey post hoc test was used to test for statically significant differences between playing positions (p < 0.05). The analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences between playing positions for all physical characteristics variables (BH, BW, BFM, SMM, right and left leg muscle mass). The goalkeepers were the tallest and heaviest compared to the other positions. The highest percentage of fat mass is found in the midfielders and the highest percentage of skeletal muscle mass in the defenders. The goalkeepers have the highest muscle mass of the right and left leg. Statistically significant differences were also found between the tests of motor and functional abilities. In the 8x40m endurance test, goalkeepers had a statistically significant worse result in the average repetition compared to defenders. There was also a statistically significant difference between the goalkeepers and the rest of the players in the ratio between the squat jump and the countermovement jump. Mostly, defenders had the best results in both motor and functional tests, which is partly in line with previous studies. A moderately strong connection between percetage of muscle mass and performance in the motorskill tests was found for nine variables (r = 0.40-0.69). The dominant leg did not have a statistically significant higher muscle mass compared to the non-dominant leg (p = 0.058). Similarly, the high or moderate HQ ratio did not prove to be statistically significant for the countermovement jump height. The study showed that there are some significant differences in physical characteristics and locomotor skills between female players of different playing positions. The training process should be based on a more individual approach in the context of team training in order to improve the development of the players and reduce the chances of injuries. In order to better define the demands of the game in Slovenian women's football, a study based on a larger sample size should be conducted in the future.

Keywords:women's football, mophological characteristics, motorskills, playing positions

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