Individuals form interest groups to express their views, based on common interests. In the process of protecting the interests of the public and their supporters in the policy-making process, interest groups use different strategies. The choice of strategy depends also on the interests that the interest group represents and the nature of the policy that the interest group seeks to promote. The thesis analyses the roles of interest groups, their functioning according to their type and organizational form, and the use of strategies in the process of advocacy. In addition to the literature review, the applied strategies of the three selected interest groups working in the field of environmental and nature protection and the protection of the rights of the elderly are analyzed. In principle, it is considered that interest groups representing diffuse interests mainly use voice strategies. This is also the case for the analyzed interest groups, as they mainly use information techniques. The selection of strategies is adapted by the interest groups concerned according to the nature of the issue, the circumstances and the activities of other interest groups.