
Vpliv prehranskega znanja in odnosa do prehrane na stanje prehranjenosti pri starejši populaciji v Sloveniji
ID Kegl, Eliza Julijana (Author), ID Kuhar, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na prehransko znanje starejših ter na njihov odnos do prehrane vplivajo številni dejavniki - fiziološki, sociodemografski, ekonomski dejavniki. V magistrskem delu smo opredelili, kako slednji dejavniki vplivajo na stanje prehranjenosti starejših odraslih v Republiki Sloveniji. Izvedli smo anketiranje s 163 starejšimi odraslimi, starimi več kot 50 let, in tako pridobili podatke o njihovem prehranskem znanju in odnosu do prehrane ter vplivu le-teh na stanje prehranjenosti. Anketiranje smo izvedli med funkcionalno neodvisnimi starejšimi, ki ne živijo v domovih za starejše občane, kar je bilo z vidika analiziranja podatkov ključno. Na podlagi izvedene raziskave smo ugotovili, da je slabo stanje prehranjenosti starejših posledica pomanjkanja fizične aktivnosti in prehranskega znanja oz. odsotnost interesa za to področje, hkrati pa negativen odnos do prehrane. Ocenjujemo, da se starejši premalo zanimajo za področje prehrane, ki pa je v omenjenem življenjskem obdobju ključno za ohranjanje zdravja in preprečevanje bolezni. S pomočjo statistične analize smo dokazali, da je dosežena splošna izobrazba posameznika eden od najpomembnejših sociodemografskih dejavnikov, ki vpliva na aktualno prehransko znanje (p=0,049). Z oblikovanjem in izvajanjem neformalnih oblik izobraževanja bi lahko respondente bolje seznanili o pomenu prehrane na zdravje. To bi udeležence motiviralo k oblikovanju zdravega načina prehranjevanja in življenjskega sloga, s čimer bi se spremilo njihovo stališče in vedenje do slednjega, kajti vse omenjeno pomembo vpliva na ohranjanje samostojnega življenja tudi v starosti.

Keywords:prehrana, starostniki, stanje prehranjenosti, odnos do prehrane, prehransko znanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[E. J. Kegl]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159642 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202002179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of nutritional knowledge and attitudes towards nutrition on the nutritional status of the elderly population in Slovenia
The nutritional knowledge among the elderly and their attitude towards diet is influenced by various physiological, sociodemographic, and economic factors. In our research we identified how these factors affect the nutritional status of older adults in the Republic of Slovenia. We conducted a survey with 163 elderly individuals, older than 50 years, gathering data on their nutritional knowledge, attitudes towards diet, and the impact of these factors on their nutritional status. The survey was conducted among functionally independent seniors who do not live in elderly care homes, which was crucial for data analysis. From the perspective of promoting a healthy diet and potential dietary interventions, it is important to examine the characteristics of functionally independent seniors and develop programs and activities tailored to this group. Based on the conducted research, we found that poor nutritional status among the elderly is a result of a lack of physical activity, nutritional knowledge or little interest in the topic of diet, coupled with a negative attitude towards diet. We estimate that older adults show insufficient interest in the field of nutrition, which is crucial for maintaining overall health and preventing diseases in a limited lifespan. Through statistical analysis, we have demonstrated that an individual's level of education is one of the most significant factors influencing their current nutritional knowledge (p=0,049). By designing and implementing various forms of informal education, we could better inform our respondents about the importance of nutrition for health, motivating them to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle, point of view towards nutrition, which would significantly contribute to maintaining independent life even in old age.

Keywords:nutrition, elderly population, nutritional status, nutritional attitude, nutritional knowledge

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