
Učitelji zgodovine o doseganju učnih ciljev razvoja nacionalne in državljanske identitete pri učencih osnovne šole
ID Frančič, Nuša (Author), ID Kovač Šebart, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Trškan, Danijela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo problematiko razvoja nacionalne in državljanske identitete osnovnošolskih učencev pri pouku zgodovine. V teoretičnem delu naloge so predstavljeni pojmi, ki so potrebni za obravnavo in razumevanje nacionalne in državljanske identitete (zavest in identiteta, etnija, narod, nacija in država). Opravimo analizo splošnih in operativnih ciljev učnega načrta za zgodovino, ki se neposredno nanašajo na nacionalno in državljansko identiteto učencev. Predstavimo pa tudi primere načrtovanja učne ure, ki vodi učence k doseganju obravnavanih ciljev. Načrtovanje in izvajanje pouka, ki sledi doseganju ciljev razvoja nacionalne in državljanske identitete učencev, zahteva od učitelja, da pozna in razume formalni okvir (pravni in programski okvir) in je zadosti kompetenten za poučevanje obravnavanih vsebin. Anketni odgovori v empirično raziskavo vključenih učiteljev kažejo, da se le-ti ne počutijo dovolj kompetentne za poučevanje obravnavanih tematik, da niso suvereni v poznavanju pravnega in programskega okvira (splošni in operativni cilji učnega načrta za zgodovino, ki zadevajo razvoj nacionalne in državljanske identitete učencev). Učitelji predmeta zgodovina odgovarjajo, da je sledenje učnim ciljem razvijanja zavesti o nacionalni in državljanski identiteti zahtevno. Magistrsko delo poudarja pomen učitelja zgodovine pri razvoju nacionalne in državljanske identitete in s tem pripravo učencev na aktivno državljanstvo in spoštovanje svoje in drugih kultur.

Keywords:nacionalna identiteta, državljanska identiteta, pouk zgodovine, učitelji zgodovine, učni načrt, osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159570 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:History teachers on the achievement of learning goals for the development of national and civic identity among elementary school pupils
In the master’s thesis, we discuss the issue of the development of the national and civic identity of elementary school pupils during history lessons. The theoretical part of the assignment presents concepts that are necessary for the consideration and understanding of national and civic identity (awareness and identity, ethnicity, nation, the nation and state). We analyse the general and operational goals of the history curriculum, which directly relate to the national and civic identity of the pupils. We also present examples of lesson planning that leads pupils to achieve the discussed goals. The planning and implementation of lessons, which follow the achievement of the goals of forming the pupils’ national and civic identity, requires the teacher to know and understand the formal framework (legal and programmatic framework) and to be sufficiently competent to teach the discussed content. The survey responses of the teachers involved in the empirical research show that they do not feel competent enough to teach the discussed topics, that they are not sovereign in their knowledge of the legal and programmatic framework (the general and operational goals of the history curriculum, which concern the development of the national and civic identity of pupils). The history teachers say that following the learning goals of developing pupils’ awareness of national and civic identity is challenging. The master’s thesis emphasizes the importance of the history teacher in the formation of national and civic identity and with that preparing pupils for active citizenship and respect for their own and other cultures.

Keywords:national identity, civic identity, history lessons, history teachers, curriculum, elementary school

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