
Uporaba digitalne tehnologije pri predšolskih otrocih z vidika staršev : diplomsko delo
ID Golob, Polona (Author), ID Gradišek, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Digitalna tehnologija je od začetka 21. stoletja neizogiben del našega življenja. Danes so otroci vsakodnevno obkroženi s pametnimi telefoni, računalniki in drugimi najsodobnejšimi napravami, ki so skoraj nujne za kompetentno vključevanje posameznika v družbo. Zgodnja otroška leta so ključna za razvoj digitalnih kompetenc in uravnoteženega odnosa do digitalnega sveta, ki na eni strani povečuje možnosti za učenje, na drugi pa je lahko tudi vir potencialnega tveganja. Tehnologija ima lahko tako pozitiven kot negativen vpliv na otrokov razvoj. Vpliv je odvisen predvsem od tega, katere vsebine otroci gledajo oz. katere igre igrajo, ali so vsebine primerne njihovi razvojni stopnji ter v kolikšni meri so izpostavljeni digitalni tehnologiji. Pri tem imajo pomembno vlogo tudi starši, saj se vplivi pomembno razlikujejo glede na to, ali so starši prisotni ob uporabi digitalne tehnologije otroka ali ne. Glavna naloga staršev je, da svoje otroke naučijo, kako odgovorno in kritično uporabljati digitalne naprave, na to pa vplivajo njihova stališča do uporabe digitalne tehnologije pri predšolskih otrocih. Stališča so trajna miselna, čustvena, akcijska in vrednostna naravnanja v odnosu do različnih oseb, objektov, pojavov, bitij in dogodkov. Ljudje se v stališčih med seboj razlikujemo, saj imamo lahko do enakih stvari različna stališča. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela nas je zanimalo, v kolikšni meri in s kakšnim namenom predšolski otroci uporabljajo digitalno tehnologijo. Raziskali smo, katere vsebine gledajo in katere digitalne spretnosti imajo razvite. Preverili smo, kakšna stališča imajo starši do uporabe digitalne tehnologije pri predšolskih otrocih in v kakšnem odnosu sta izobrazba staršev in pogostost uporabe digitalne tehnologije pri otrocih. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 166 naključno izbranih staršev predšolskih otrok v Sloveniji, ki so izpolnili vprašalnik, oblikovan za namene te raziskave. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da čas uporabe digitalne tehnologije s starostjo otrok narašča. Ugotovili smo, da predšolski otroci digitalno tehnologijo najpogosteje uporabljajo za namen razvedrila, in sicer za gledanje risank, posnetkov, fotografij in igranje igric. Otroci izmed vsebin, ki jih lahko izbirajo na različnih napravah, najpogosteje gledajo risanke za otroke. Rezultati kažejo, da so otroci že v predšolskem obdobju precej digitalno spretni. Najpogosteje sodelujejo pri videoklicu s poznanimi osebami, se pogovarjajo po telefonu ali samostojno prižgejo televizijo. Rezultati kažejo, da predšolski otroci, katerih starši imajo bolj pozitivna stališča do uporabe digitalne tehnologije (se bolj strinjajo z določenim stališčem glede uporabe digitalne tehnologije), več časa namenijo uporabi digitalnih naprav. Ugotovili smo, da otroci staršev z različno izobrazbo v podobni meri uporabljajo digitalno tehnologijo. Čas uporabe digitalne tehnologije pri otrocih se ne razlikuje statistično pomembno glede na mestno ali podeželsko okolje bivanja. V sklopu diplomskega dela smo tudi oblikovali zloženko, s katero želimo spodbuditi ozaveščanje staršev o vidikih uporabe in o pravilih uporabe digitalne tehnologije pri predšolskih otrocih.

Keywords:digitalna tehnologija, zasloni, predšolski otroci, starši, stališča
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Golob
Number of pages:61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159548 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201736707 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Parents' views on the use of digital technology by preschool children
Digital technology has been a part of our lives since the beginning of the 21st century. Children are daily surrounded with smart phones, computers and other contemporary devices, which are necessary for the integration of an individual into society. Early childhood years are crucial for the development of digital competences and a balanced attitude towards the digital world, which on the one hand increases learning opportunities or on the other hand poses potential risk. Technology can have both positive and negative impact on a child’s development. The impact depends primarily on type of content children watch or type of games they play, whether the content is suitable for their developmental stage and to what extent they are exposed to digital technology. Parents also play an important role in this, as the impacts differ significantly depending on whether parents are present when the child uses digital technology or not. The main task of parents is to teach their children how to use digital devices responsibly and critically, and this is influenced by their attitudes towards the use of digital technology in preschool children. Attitudes are permanent mental, emotional, action and value attitudes in relation to various persons, objects, phenomena, beings and events. People differ in their views, as we can have different views on the same things. In the empirical part of the thesis, I was interested in the extent and purpose preschool children use digital technology. I investigated what content they watch and what digital skills children have developed. I checked the attitudes of parents towards the use of digital technology by preschool children and the relationship between parents' education and the frequency of use of digital technology by children. 166 randomly selected parents of preschool children in Slovenia were included in the research, who filled out a questionnaire designed for the purposes of this research. The results of the research showed that the time spent using digital technology increases with the age of children. We found that preschool children most often use digital technology for the purpose of entertainment, for instance to watch cartoons, videos, photos and play games. From the content they can choose on different devices, children most often watch cartoons for children. The results show that children are already quite digitally skilled in the preschool period. Most often, they take part in a video call with familiar people, talk on the phone or turn on the TV independently. The results show that preschool children whose parents have more positive attitudes towards the use of digital technology (they agree more with a certain point of view regarding the use of digital technology) spend more time using digital devices. I learnt that children of parents with different educational levels use digital technology to a similar extent. The time spent using digital technology among children does not significantly differ statistically according to the urban or rural environment of residence. As part of the thesis, I also designed a leaflet with which we want to raise awareness among parents about the aspects of use and the rules for using digital technology with preschool children.

Keywords:digital technology, screens, preschool children, parents, views

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