
Zanesljivost in veljavnost slovenskega prevoda orodja za oceno hoje in njenega izboljšanja po terapiji pri pacientih po možganski kapi : magistrsko delo
ID Leskovar, Branko (Author), ID Puh, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vidmar, Tjaša (Comentor), ID Kovačič, Tine (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Lestvica G.A.I.T. je bila razvita z namenom ovrednotenja hoje in prepoznave odstopanja od normalne hoje po možganski kapi. Namen: Namen raziskave je bil za slovenski prevod lestvice G.A.I.T. preveriti zanesljivost posameznega preiskovalca in med preiskovalci ter sočasno veljavnost s testom hitrosti hoje. Poleg tega smo preverili notranjo skladnost in veljavnost lestvice ter kriterijsko veljavnost lestvice. Izračunali smo tudi najmanjšo zaznavno spremembo. Metode dela: V raziskavo smo vključili 30 preiskovancev v kronični fazi po možganski kapi. Prevod je bil izveden po smernicah med-kulturološkega prilagajanja. Pri zanesljivosti posameznega preiskovalca je bil razmak med ocenjevanjema sedem dni. Zanesljivost med preiskovalci smo preverili med dvema fizioterapevtoma. Ugotavljali smo sočasno veljavnost lestvice G.A.I.T. s testom hoje na 10 metrov pri hitrosti sproščene in hitre hoje. Notranjo skladnost smo izračunali za celotno lestvico in za njene podsklope. Kriterijsko veljavnost smo izračunali za postavke lestvice, ki imajo v točkovanju navedene stopinje giba. Za objektivno izmero obsegov gibljivosti smo uporabili program Kinovea. Rezultati: Zanesljivost posameznega preiskovalca za celotno lestvico je bila odlična (ICC = 0,974), po postavkah lestvice pa nizka do odlična (ICC = 0,279 – 1,00). Zanesljivost med preiskovalcema za celotno lestvico je bila visoka (ICC = 0,850), po postavkah lestvice pa nizka do odlična (ICC = -0,147 – 0,935). Izidi lestvice G.A.I.T. so zelo visoko pozitivno povezani s testom hoje na 10 metrov pri hitrosti sproščene (? = 0,867) in hitre hoje (? = 0,765). Notranja skladnost celotne lestvice je bila zmerna (? = 0,897), medtem ko je skladnost podsklopov lestvice nizka do visoka (? = 0,243 – 0,816). Nizka za podsklop faza opore in zamaha ter visoka za fazo zamaha. Kriterijska veljavnost postavk 2, 5, 6, 11 – 14, 19, 20, 26 in 27 je zmerna do odlična (? = 0,554 – 1,00). Najmanjša zaznavna sprememba lestvice je 8,78 točke. Zaključek: Naša raziskava je za izid lestvice G.A.I.T. pokazala odlično zanesljivost posameznega preiskovalca in visoko zanesljivost med preiskovalci, kar potrjuje uporabnost lestvice v klinični praksi. Zanesljivost po postavkah je nizka do odlična za posameznega preiskovalca in med preiskovalci. Poleg tega smo ugotovili zelo visoko sočasno veljavnost lestvice s testom hitrosti hoje. Kriterijska veljavnost za obsege gibljivosti je zmerna do odlično. Notranja skladnost celotne lestvice je zmerna, pri podsklopih pa nizka do zmerna. V nadaljnje raziskave bi bilo smiselno vključiti paciente s kategorijo FAC ? 4 in v različnih fazah po možganski kapi.

Keywords:magistrska dela, fizioterapija, možganska kap, ocenjevanje hoje, merske lastnosti, lestvica G.A.I.T.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Leskovar]
Number of pages:43 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159545 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:204559619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Reliability and validity of the Slovenian translation of the gait assessment and intervention tool in patients after stroke : master thesis
Introduction: The G.A.I.T. scale was developed to evaluate gait and identify deviations from normal gait post-stroke. Purpose: The aim was to assess the reliability of the Slovenian translation of the G.A.I.T. scale for intra-rater and inter-rater reliability, as well as concurrent validity with the walking speed test. Additionally, internal consistency and criterion validity of the scale were evaluated. The minimal detectable change was also calculated. Methods: The study included 30 subjects in the chronic phase post-stroke. The translation followed guidelines for cross-cultural adaptation. The interval between assessments for intra-rater reliability was seven days. Inter-rater reliability was assessed between two raters. Concurrent validity of the G.A.I.T. scale was determined using the 10-meter walk test at a comfortable and fast walking speed. Internal consistency was calculated for the entire scale and its subscales. Criterion validity was calculated for scale items that include degrees of movement in their scoring. Kinovea software was used for the objective measurement of range of motion. Results: The reliability of intra-rater for the entire scale was excellent (ICC = 0.974), while item reliability ranged from low to excellent (ICC = 0.279 – 1.00). Inter-rater reliability for the entire scale was high (ICC = 0.850) and ranged from low to excellent (ICC = -0.147 – 0.935) for individual items. The G.A.I.T. scale outcomes were highly positively correlated with the 10-meter walk test at a comfortable (ρ = 0.867) and fast walking speed (ρ = 0.765). Internal consistency for the entire scale was moderate (α = 0.897), while consistency of subscales ranged from low to high (α = 0.243 – 0.816), low for the stance and swing phase subscale, and high for the swing phase. Criterion validity for items 2, 5, 6, 11 – 14, 19, 20, 26, and 27 was moderate to excellent (ρ = 0.554 – 1.00). The minimal detectable change for the scale was 8.78 points. Discussion and conclusion: Our study demonstrated excellent intra-rater reliability and high inter-rater reliability for the G.A.I.T. scale, confirming its utility in clinical practice. Item reliability was low to excellent for both intra-rater and inter-rater assessments. Additionally, very high concurrent validity with walking speed was found. Criterion validity ranged from moderate to excellent. Internal consistency for the entire scale was moderate, while subscale consistency ranged from low to moderate. Future research should include patients with lower FAC scores and those in various stages post-stroke.

Keywords:master's theses, physiotherapy, stroke, gait assessment, measurement properties, G.A.I.T. scale.

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