
Vloga matičnih celic pri nastanku malignih sprememb v mlečni žlezi
ID Krumpestar, Pia (Author), ID Ogorevc, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Čeprav je bila prisotnost matičnih celic mlečne žleze (angl. mammary stem cells – MaSC) predlagana že pred več kot 50 leti, šele danes začenjamo zares spoznavati in razumeti njihovo vlogo, signalne poti, ki so odgovorne za njihovo uravnavanje, in njihovo vlogo pri boleznih, kot je rak mlečne žleze. Mlečna žleza je že sama po sebi zelo kompleksen in dinamičen organ, ki se spreminja skozi celo življenje, zato regulacija diferenciacije in lastnosti matičnih celic mlečne žleze ostajajo še dokaj nejasne. Študije kažejo, da v mlečni žlezi obstajajo celice, ki so verjetno multipotentne in imajo sposobnost samoobnavljanja. Obnovo in diferenciacijo MaSC strogo regulira več dejavnikov, kot so poti prenosa signala in mikrookolje. Sposobnost, da se te celice tako hitro odzovejo na spremembe fiziološkega stanja mlečne žleze (npr. laktacija, involucija), lahko pripišemo močni povezavi s specifičnim mikrookoljem, znanim kot niša matičnih celic. V primeru deregulacije signalnih poti lahko pride do nastanka raka mlečne žleze, ki je pri ljudeh eden vodilnih vzrokov smrti žensk po celem svetu. Se pa pojavnost raka mlečne žleze zelo razlikuje med posameznimi vrstami. Do danes so znanstveniki ugotovili, da so lahko živalski modeli pomembni z vidika preučevanja razvoja in različnih bolezni mlečne žleze.

Keywords:biotehnologija, mlečna žleza, matične celice mlečne žleze, rak mlečne žleze
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159512 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201596675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2024
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Title:Mammary stem cells and cancer
Although the presence of mammary stem cells (MaSC) was suggested over 50 years ago, it is only now that we are truly beginning to understand their role, the signaling pathways responsible for their regulation, and their involvement in diseases such as cancer. The mammary gland itself is a highly complex and dynamic organ that undergoes changes throughout one's lifetime, which is why the regulation of mammary stem cell differentiation and characteristics remains quite unclear. Studies indicate the presence of cells within the mammary gland that are likely multipotent and have self-renewal abilities. The restoration and differentiation of MaSCs are tightly regulated by various factors, including signaling pathways and microenvironment. The ability of these cells to rapidly respond to changes in the physiological state of the mammary gland (such as lactation, involution) can be attributed to a strong connection with a specific microenvironment known as the stem cell niche. In the case of deregulation of signaling pathways, the formation of mammary cancer can occur, which is one of the leading causes of female mortality worldwide. However, the incidence of mammary cancer varies significantly among species. To date, scientists have discovered that animal models can aid in studying mammary gland development and various diseases.

Keywords:biotechnology, mammary gland, mammary stem cells, mammary cancer

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