
Prednost nevladnih organizacij v javnem interesu pri financiranju iz javnih sredstev na področju kulture (na primeru izbrane občine) : diplomsko delo
ID Hribšek, Ana (Author), ID Brezovar, Nejc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Nevladne organizacije (v nadaljevanju: NVO) v javnem interesu so organizacije, katerih delovanje je usmerjeno v izvajanje določene dejavnosti na področju kulture, športa ali drugem področju in hkrati presegajo interese ustanoviteljev. Za svoje delovanje potrebujejo finančno stabilnost. Eden izmed njihovih virov financiranja so javna sredstva, prejeta s strani lokalne oblasti. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ustvariti realno podobo aktualne situacije učinkovitosti financiranja NVO v javnem interesu na področju kulture s strani lokalne oblasti in z njo spodbuditi pozitivne spremembe pri financiranju teh organizacij. V okviru raziskovalnega dela diplomskega dela je bil opravljen intervju s predstavnikom občine Trbovlje in anketiranje NVO v javnem interesu na področju kulture v občini Trbovlje. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je zajeto ozadje raziskovanega področja - zakonska urejenost ter drugo proučeno gradivo. Raziskava je pokazala, da financiranje obravnavanih organizacij v občini Trbovlje ni posebej enotno urejeno, najpogostejši in najpomembnejši viri financiranja poleg članarine in tržne dejavnosti pa so prav prejeta sredstva s strani občine Trbovlje. Anketirane organizacije si za obstoječi način financiranja želijo zvišanja razpoložljivih sredstev in poenoten sistem financiranja na podlagi neposrednega financiranja. Ugotovitve so bile predstavljene predstavniku občine, ki je predloge sprejel v obravnavo. Če bodo predlogi udejanjeni, bodo imeli neposreden pozitivni učinek na obravnavane organizacije. Namen diplomskega dela je bil delno dosežen. Oblikovani so bili trije predlogi v sodelovanju z anketiranimi NVO in bili predstavljeni občini Trbovlje. S strani občine Trbovlje je bila zagotovljena obravnava predloga ter morebitno zvišanje sredstev in točk za javni interes v prihajajočem javnem razpisu za dejavnosti ljubiteljske kulture.

Keywords:nevladna organizacija, javni interes, kultura, financiranje, Občina Trbovlje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Hribšek]
Number of pages:IX, 36 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159443 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203228675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Priority of non-governmental organizations in the public interest in financing from public funds in the field of culture (in the case of a selected municipality)
Non-governmental organizations (hereinafter: NGOs) in the public interest are organizations whose activities are aimed at carrying out certain activities in the field of culture, sports or other fields and at the same time exceed the interests of the founders. They need financial stability for their operation. One of their sources of financing is public funds received from local authorities. The aim of the thesis was to create a realistic image of the current situation of the effectiveness of the financing of NGOs in the public interest in the field of culture by the local government and to encourage positive changes in the financing of these organizations. As part of the research part of the thesis, an interview was conducted with a representative of the municipality of Trbovlje and a survey of NGOs in the public interest in the field of culture in the municipality of Trbovlje. The theoretical part of the thesis covers the background of the researched field - legal regulations and other studied material. The research showed that the financing of the organizations in question in the municipality of Trbovlje is not particularly uniformly regulated, and the most common and most important sources of financing, in addition to membership fees and marketing activities, are funds received from the municipality of Trbovlje. For the existing method of financing, the surveyed organizations want an increase in available funds and a unified system of financing based on direct financing. The findings were presented to the representative of the municipality, who accepted the proposals for consideration. If the proposals are implemented, they will have a direct positive impact on the organizations in question. The aim of the thesis was partially achieved. Three proposals were created in cooperation with the surveyed NGOs and were presented to the municipality of Trbovlje. The municipality of Trbovlje has ensured consideration of the proposal and a possible increase in funds and points for public interest in the upcoming public tender for amateur culture activities.

Keywords:NGO, public interest, culture, funding, public funds, Municipality of Trbovlje

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