
Izdelava sobnega rastlinjaka
ID Anžlovar, Blaž (Author), ID Geršak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na načrtovanje in vzpostavitev sistema za nadzor rasti koruze ter merjenje ključnih parametrov, ki vplivajo na njen razvoj. Glavne naloge sistema vključujejo merjenje in regulacijo vlage v tleh, poleg tega pa tudi spremljanje temperature in vlage zraka. Celoten sistem je integriran s pametno mobilno aplikacijo, preko katere lahko uporabnik spremlja in upravlja z vsemi zbranimi podatki. Ena od ključnih funkcij sistema je natančno merjenje vlažnosti v tleh, kar omogoča optimalno prilagajanje količine vode, ki je na voljo rastlinam. S tem se doseže učinkovitejše upravljanje namakanja, kar vodi do boljše rasti in razvoja rastlin ter posledično do povečane kakovosti pridelka. Poleg tega sistem omogoča merjenje in nadzor temperature zraka, kar je pomembno za spremljanje ustreznih pogojev za rast rastlin. Pametna aplikacija, povezana s sistemom, omogoča uporabniku enostaven dostop do vseh meritev in podatkov preko njegovega mobilnega telefona. Uporabnik lahko spremlja trenutne pogoje, ter spreminja nastavitve sistema na daljavo. Tako sistem ponuja visoko stopnjo avtomatizacije in nadzora, kar pripomore k optimizaciji kmetijskih procesov. V sklepnem delu magistrske naloge so predstavljeni rezultati in ugotovitve, pridobljene z uporabo sistema v realnem okolju. S tem je mogoče oceniti učinkovitost sistema ter njegov potencial za izboljšanje pridelave in trajnostne rasti rastlin. Magistrsko delo prispeva k razvoju in implementaciji naprednih tehnoloških rešitev v kmetijskem sektorju, ki lahko pozitivno vplivajo na kakovost pridelave in trajnost kmetovanja.

Keywords:Sistem za nadzor rasti rastlin, Optimizacija namakanja, sobni rastlinjak
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159442 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201673475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Home grow-box
The master's thesis focuses on the design and establishment of a plant growth control system and the measurement of key parameters that influence their development. The main tasks of the system include the measurement and regulation of soil and air moisture, as well as air temperature monitoring. The entire system is integrated with a smart mobile application, through which the user can monitor and manage all collected data. One of the key functions of the system is the precise measurement of soil moisture, which enables optimal adjustment of the amount of water available to plants. This results in more efficient irrigation management, which leads to better growth in plant development and subsequently to increased crop quality. In addition, the system allows the measurement and control of air temperature, which is important for monitoring the appropriate conditions for plant growth. A smart application connected to the system allows the user to easily access all the merits and data through his mobile phone. The user can monitor current conditions, receive notifications about possible deviations, and change system settings remotely. Thus, the system offers a high degree of automation and control, which helps to optimize agricultural processes. In the final part of the master’s thesis, the results presented and obtained by using the system in a real environment will be established. This will make it possible to assess the effectiveness of the system and its potential to improve production and sustainable plant growth. The master's thesis contributes to the development and implementation of advanced technological solutions in the agricultural sector, which can have a positive impact on the quality of production and the sustainability of farming.

Keywords:Plant growth control system, Irrigation optimization, indoor greenhouse

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