
Preglednost in javnost razpolaganja z gozdom na primeru izbranih občin : diplomsko delo
ID Vesel, Tamara (Author), ID Brezovar, Nejc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Gozd v lasti države ali samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti upravljajo različni upravljavci, ki morajo upoštevati zakonske in podzakonske predpise ter z njim ravnati in razpolagati v skladu z načeli gospodarnosti, javnosti in preglednosti. V praksi se težave pojavijo pri zagotavljanju teh načel in pri upoštevanju veljavnega načrta razpolaganja s stvarnim premoženjem. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, na kakšen način izbrane občine zagotavljajo transparentnost in javnost razpolaganja z nepremičnim premoženjem, tj. gozdom, in kako se spopadajo z morebitnimi težavami pri upoštevanju načrta razpolaganja z nepremičnim premoženjem. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. Uporabljene so različne raziskovalne metode (deskriptivna, komparativna, induktivna in deduktivna), kot osrednja metoda raziskovanja pa je uporabljen polstrukturirani poglobljeni intervju, s katerim smo pridobili odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja. Glede na vso literaturo in pridobljene odgovore smo ugotovili, da tako občina Kočevje kot občina Loški Potok zagotavljata preglednost in javnost razpolaganja z gozdom na način, ki ga določa zakon, ter da ima za občino Kočevje predkupna pravica pozitiven vpliv, medtem ko občina Loški Potok predkupne pravice v občinskih odlokih na gozdnih zemljiščih nima in je zato ne uveljavljajo. Diplomsko delo in ugotovitve lahko koristijo fizičnim in pravnim osebam pri seznanitvi s postopki in pravili razpolaganja z gozdom in zagotavljanju njegove preglednosti in javnosti s strani javne uprave, pomembnost predkupne pravice in tudi drugimi povezanimi tematikami, zajete v diplomskem delu. Glede na ugotovitve priporočamo nadaljnje raziskave o potencialni uvedbi enotnega javnega registra z informacijami o razpolaganju tako državnih, lokalnih in tudi zasebnih gozdov.

Keywords:stvarno premoženje, razpolaganje, gozd, načela ravnanja, samoupravna lokalna skupnost, predkupna pravica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Vesel]
Number of pages:IX, 40 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159439 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203176963 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Transparency and publicity of forest management in selected municipalities
Forests owned by the state or local self-governing communities are managed by various administrators who must adhere to legal regulations and bylaws and handle them in accordance with the principles of economy, publicity, and transparency. In practice, difficulties arise in ensuring these principles and adhering to the applicable property management plan. The aim of this thesis is to determine how selected municipalities ensure transparency and publicity in the disposal of immovable property, i.e., forests, and how they deal with potential difficulties in adhering to the property management plan. The thesis comprises theoretical and empirical components. Various research methods (descriptive, comparative, inductive, and deductive) are employed, with semi-structured in-depth interviews being the central research method used to obtain answers to the research questions. Based on the literature and acquired responses, it was found that both the Municipality of Kočevje and the Municipality of Loški Potok ensure transparency and public access to forest disposal as prescribed by law. The pre-emptive right has a positive impact for the Municipality of Kočevje, while the Municipality of Loški Potok does not have pre-emptive rights in municipal regulations on forest land and therefore does not enforce them. The thesis and findings can benefit individuals and legal entities in familiarizing themselves with the procedures and regulations of forest disposal and ensuring its transparency and public access by public administration, the importance of pre-emptive rights, and other related topics covered in the thesis. Based on the findings, further research is recommended on the potential introduction of a unified public registry with information on the disposal of state, local, and private forests.

Keywords:immovable property, disposal, forest, principles of management, self-governing local community, pre-emptive right

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