
Odkrivanje subjektifikacijskega potenciala vrstniške mediacije
ID Kukovec, Maja (Author), ID Kroflič, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu se ukvarjamo z odkrivanjem subjektifikacijskega potenciala vrstniške mediacije, pri čemer sledimo predpostavki o šoli kot bivanjskem prostoru, v katerem se otroci vsakodnevno srečujejo z drugačnimi od sebe. Ob tem so postavljeni v številne situacije, ki predstavljajo priložnost za vzpostavitev otroka kot etičnega, odgovornega in svobodnega subjekta. Ker tovrstno razumevanje šole v vzgojno delovanje slednje vnaša moment svobode in negotovosti, smo postavljeni pred izziv, kako v šolskem prostoru zadostiti elementom subjektifikacijske vzgoje in vzdržati v tveganju, ki ga ti prinašajo. V magistrskem delu se zato opiramo na avtopoetsko paradigmo vzgoje in vzgojne dejavnosti, v katerih se prepletajo kvalifikacija, socializacija in subjektifikacija. Zgolj v prepletu vseh treh domen pedagoškega delovanja se namreč oblikujejo priložnosti za refleksijo in presojo otroka o tem, kako biva in deluje v svetu. Slednje podkrepimo z analizo primerov subjektifikacije, ki nazorno pokaže, da je vznik subjekta nujen, a hkrati nezadosten pogoj za razvoj etičnega subjekta. V nadaljevanju zato iščemo načine, kako »subjektifikacijsko vzgojo« dopolniti in obvladati negotovo povezavo med subjektificirano odločitvijo in moralnim ravnanjem. Pri tem se opremo na analizo subjektifikacijskega potenciala vrstniške mediacije, ki izpostavlja pomen konfliktne situacije kot prvoosebne izkušnje, ki otroku omogoča vstopanje v dialoške odnose z drugimi – drugačnimi, vzpostavljanje simetrične komunikacije in ga opominja na to, da lahko biva in deluje kot etični subjekt. Ravno simetrična komunikacija namreč v teoretski koncept subjektifikacije vnaša etično dimenzijo in predstavlja »varovalko« pred morebitnim škodljivim ravnanjem posameznika. Izhajajoč iz tega, v magistrskem delu razmišljamo tudi o aktualnih predlogih za oblikovanje varnih in spodbudnih učnih okolij ter spodbudimo k diskurzu o vzgojnem delovanju šole skozi prizmo avtopoetske paradigme vzgoje in subjektifikacije.

Keywords:šola kot bivanjski prostor, kvalifikacija, socializacija, subjektifikacija, avtopoeza, vrstniška mediacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159423 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Discovering the subjectification potential of peer mediation
This master's thesis examines the subjectification potential of peer mediation, following the assumption of school as a living space where children are daily placed in numerous situations that represent an opportunity to establish the child as an ethical, responsible and autonomous subject. Understanding school as a living space, therefore, introduces a moment of freedom and uncertainty into the educational activity, which means that schools are faced with the challenge of how to satisfy the elements of education as subjectification and at the same time endure the risks that come with it. It is because of this that we turn to the autopoietic approach to education and school activities, in which qualification, socialization and subjectification are intertwined. It is only in the intertwining of all three domains of education that opportunities for reflection and decisions on how one lives and acts in the world can be formed. This is underlined by the analysis of cases of subjectification, which clearly show that the emergence of a subject is necessary but not sufficient for the development of an ethical subject. That is why we explore ways to complement the concept of education as subjectification and manage the uncertain connection between subjectified decisions and moral action. Because of this, we turn to the analysis of peer mediation as an educational approach that leads to subjectification. Peer mediation emphasizes the importance of conflict situations as a first–person experience, enabling the child to enter into dialogical relationships with others, establishing symmetrical communication and reminding them that they can be and act as ethical subjects. After all, symmetrical communication brings an ethical dimension into the discourse of subjectification and represents a »safeguard« against possible harmful behaviour of an individual. Based on this, we also reflect on the current implications for creating safe and stimulating learning environments and encourage discourse on the educational role of schools through the prism of the autopoietic system theory and subjectification.

Keywords:school as a living space, qualification, socialization, subjectification, autopoiesis, peer mediation

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