
Brežiško gospostvo s širšim zaledjem na stičišču Ilirskih provinc in Avstrijskega cesarstva = Le territoire de Brežice et sa périphérie à la jonction des Provinces illyriennes et de l'Empire d'Autriche : magistrsko delo
ID Oštrbenk, Lara (Author), ID Selišnik, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šega, Agata (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo kot poskus decentralizacije zgodovinske narative o Ilirskih provincah pod drobnogled postavlja t. i. brežiško gospostvo s širšim zaledjem v omenjenem obdobju (1809–1813) ter ga hkrati postavlja v širši geografsko-zgodovinski kontekst. S prihodom Francozov v te kraje se meja na Savi iz deželne spremeni v državno in Brežice se znajdejo na stičišču stare avstrijske in nove francoske oblasti. Magistrsko delo se ozre na oba savska bregova – štajerskega (avstrijskega) in kranjskega (ilirskega), pri čemer podrobno analizira, kako politični, gospodarski, vojaški, šolski, cerkveni, kulturni in jezikovni vidiki nove upravne ureditve vplivajo na zgodovinski razvoj tega območja in na življenje tukajšnjega prebivalstva. Obmejni brežiški mikrokozmos, ki ga spoznamo skozi arhivsko gradivo merije Čatež ter matične knjige Brežic in okoliških župnij, v splošnejšo perspektivo postavlja gradivo o Ilirskih provincah iz pariških Archives nationales. Ob preučevanju tega gradiva se ponuja tudi razmislek o medkulturni in medjezikovni izmenjavi v času francoske okupacije slovenskih dežel, pri čemer kot primer služi jezikovna slika merije Čatež ob Savi. Sledovi francoske prisotnosti, v duhovnem in materialnem smislu, so v Brežicah in širši okolici prisotni še danes in ključno sooblikujejo lokalni kolektivni spomin.

Keywords:Ilirske province, Brežice, Čatež ob Savi, Francozi, obmejno območje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:L. Oštrbenk
Number of pages:VII, 204 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159413 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201433603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Brežice dominion and its surroundings at the junction of the Illyrian provinces and the Austrian empire
As an attempt to decentralise the historical narrative of the Illyrian provinces, this master's thesis scrutinises the so-called Brežice Dominion with its wider hinterland in the mentioned period (1809–1813), and places it at the same time in a broader geographical-historical context. With the arrival of the French, the border on the Sava River changed from a provincial to a national one, and Brežice found itself at the crossroads of the old Austrian and the new French rule. The master's thesis glances at both banks of the Sava - the Styrian (Austrian) and the Carniolan (Illyrian) bank, analysing in detail how the political, economic, military, educational, ecclesiastical, cultural, and linguistic aspects of the new administrative system affected the historical development of the area, as well as the life of the local population. The border microcosm of Brežice, revealed through the archival material of the local administration of Čatež and the parish registers of Brežice and the surrounding parishes, is contextualised by material on the Illyrian provinces from the National Archives in Paris. The study of this material also offers an opportunity to reflect on intercultural and interlingual exchanges during French occupation of the Slovene regions, with the linguistic picture of local administration of Čatež ob Savi serving as an example. Traces of the French presence, both in spiritual and material terms, remain evident in Brežice and the wider surroundings today, and are a key element in shaping local collective memory.

Keywords:Illyrian provinces, Brežice, Čatež ob Savi, the French, border area

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