
Motiv bralke v literaturi in likovni umetnosti 19. stoletja na Slovenskem
ID Krečič, Jera (Author), ID Perenič, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žerovc, Beti (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Raziskovanje literarnega korpusa, ki zaobjema dela, napisana med letoma 1800 in 1900 v slovenskem jeziku (zaradi obsežnosti smo obravnavo skrčili na 14 literarnih del), je prineslo specifičen pogled na literarne junakinje - bralke, katerih vloga se kaže tudi v tem, da so nosilke moralnih in nacionalnih idej. Glede na to, ali so bralke nosilke pozitivnega zgleda ali njegovega negativa, smo jih razdelili v dve glavni skupini idealnih in slabih bralk. Razumevanje umetnosti kot moralnega zgleda smo kot izhodišče za interpretacijo prenesli tudi na likovni korpus. Ta vključuje dela avtorjev in avtoric, ki so med letoma 1800 in 1900 delovali znotraj slovenskega geografskega območja in katerih dela so skozi zgodovino na območju današnje Slovenije tudi ostala. Med štirimi žanrskimi skupinami (žanr, portret, verska upodobitev, alegorija), v katere smo dela razdelili, so le verske upodobitve tiste, pri katerih so moralne vzpodbude očitneje prisotne, nacionalnih idej pa sploh ni zaznati. Ideje, kakšna mora biti ženska, da ustreza določenim moralnim zahtevam in da je sredstvo nacionalnih ciljev, zaradi prisotnosti v literaturi in odsotnosti v likovni umetnosti tega časa pričajo o dveh slojih prebivalstva, živečega na naših tleh, ki je, kot se to kaže skozi obravnavano umetnost, namenjeno enemu in drugemu sloju, žensko in njeno vlogo v družini in družbi razumelo različno.

Keywords:ženska, bralka, idealna bralka, slaba bralka, branje, literatura, moralni zgled, nacionalne ideje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159409 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205085955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Motif of the Female Reader in 19th Century Literature and Fine Arts in Slovenia
The research on the literary corpus of works written between 1800 and 1900 in the Slovene language (narrowed down to 14 literary works due to the corpus size) offers a unique perspective on literary heroines who are readers. These heroines play a significant role as bearers of moral and national ideals. We categorized them into two main groups based on whether they serve as positive or negative role models: ideal readers and bad readers. This concept of art serving as a moral example was also applied to the visual art corpus, which includes works by artists active within the Slovenian geographical area between 1800 and 1900, whose works have historically remained in present-day Slovenia. Among the four genre groups (genre painting, portraiture, religious depiction, and allegory) into which these works are classified, only the religious depictions prominently display moral impulses, while national ideas are notably absent. The contrast between the portrayal of women in literature and their absence in the visual arts of the time reveals differing societal expectations. Literature depicted women who fulfilled specific moral standards and served national purposes, reflecting the two distinct layers of the population. This divergence in the representation of women indicates varying understandings of their roles in the family and society, as evidenced by the examined artworks.

Keywords:woman, female reader, ideal reader, bad reader, reading, literature, moral example, national ideas

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