
Kontemplativne prakse in soočenje z demoni v Atanazijevem spisu Vita Antonii
ID Primožič, Aljaž (Author), ID Ciglenečki, Jan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Puščava v krščanski tradiciji na eni strani predstavlja prostor nenehnih preizkušenj, na drugi pa priložnost za obnovitev odnosa med posameznikom in Bogom. Tudi odhod asketa v puščavo je mogoče razumeti kot proces, kjer asket skozi fizične in psihične napore premaguje zlo in krepi vero. V Vita Antonii, enem prvih in najpomembnejših hagiografskih spisov, Atanazij predstavi kontemplativne prakse, kot so osamitev, neprestana molitev, postenje, omejevanje spanca in razločevanje misli, s katerimi sveti Anton uspešno premaguje demone v puščavi. Vse njegovo delovanje je usmerjeno v postavljanje pomembnosti duše pred potrebe telesa, saj je za doseganje kreposti potrebno ohranjanje čiste duše, kakršno je ustvaril Bog. Atanazij v Antonovem govoru ponudi tudi eno prvih podrobnih razlag lastnosti demonov. Ti za uspešno zavajanje asketa s pridom uporabljajo svojo “zračno” naravo, ki jim omogoča, da spreminjajo oblike in dosegajo veliko hitrost, s katero asketa skušajo z napovedmi, ki temeljijo zgolj na sklepanju. Pri soočenju z njimi je najpomembnejše obračanje k Bogu, osredotočanje na askezo in krepost ter popolno zavračanje vseh demonov in skušnjav.

Keywords:Atanazij, Anton Puščavnik, Vita Antonii, demoni, kontemplativne prakse
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2024
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Title:Contemplative Practises and Dealing With Demons in Athanasius' Vita Antonii
The desert in the Christian tradition represents a space of continuous trials on one hand, and an opportunity for the renewal of the relationship between the individual and God on the other. The departure of an ascetic into the desert can also be understood as a process where the ascetic, through physical and mental exertions, overcomes evil and strengthens faith. In Vita Antonii, one of the first and most important hagiographic works, Athanasius presents contemplative practices such as solitude, constant prayer, fasting, sleep deprivation, and discernment of thoughts, through which Saint Anthony successfully conquers demons in the desert. All his actions are directed towards prioritizing the importance of the soul over the needs of the body, as the preservation of a pure soul, as created by God, is necessary for the attainment of virtue. Athanasius also offers one of the first detailed explanations of the characteristics of demons. These entities effectively utilize their “airy” nature for deceiving the ascetic by changing forms and achieving great speed, with which they attempt to deceive the ascetic through predictions based solely on inference. When confronting them, the most important aspect is turning to God, focusing on asceticism and virtue, and completely rejecting all demons and temptations.

Keywords:Athanasius, Saint Anthony, Vita Antonii, demons, contemplative practices

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