
Proučevanje živali v antiki : magistrsko delo
ID Vrtovec, Neža Kristina (Author), ID Weiss, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema magistrske naloge je proučevanje živali v antiki. Prvi del naloge se ukvarja s filozofskim pojmovanjem živali. Ljudem so bile že od nekdaj zanimive, zato so jih pogosto opazovali in primerjali s sabo. V njih so verjetno videli podobne karakteristike, saj se pri mnogih antičnih filozofih pogosto porajajo vprašanja: kaj je žival, ali je inteligentna, ali ima dušo in/ali razum? V drugem delu naloge je v ospredju “znanstveni” pristop k preučevanju živali, ki se ga je posluževal npr. Aristotel. Na temo živali je napisal več del, v katerih je opisal različne živalske vrste, njihovo vedenje in anatomijo. Vsi opisi so sicer izhajali iz primerjave s človekom, ki ga je imel za najpopolnejše živo bitje. Iz napisanega je mogoče sklepati, da je Aristotel nekatere živali tudi sam seciral in jih na tak način bolje anatomsko preučil. Z zbiranjem podatkov je najverjetneje želel razvrstiti živali v različne skupine glede na njihove skupne značilnosti. Njegova dela so kasneje močno vplivala na številne rimske avtorje, zlasti na Plinija Starejšega, ki je v svojo zbirko Naravoslovje (Naturalis historia) vključil tudi nekaj obsežnih poglavij o živalih. Plinij se sicer ni ukvarjal z zoologijo na takšni ravni kot Aristotel, kljub temu pa je njegova zbirka v tistih časih veljala za zakladnico znanja. Naloga se med drugim osredotoči tudi na klasifikacijo živali pri obeh avtorjih ter z vprašanjem, kako (in če) so njune ugotovitve vplivale na Linnejevo postavitev biološke znanstvene sistematike, ki jo uporabljamo še danes.

Keywords:proučevanje živali, Plinij Starejši, Aristotel, naravoslovje, klasifikacija živali
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. K. Vrtovec
Number of pages:78 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159329 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205102851 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The study of animals in Antiquity
The topic of this Master's thesis is the study of animals in antiquity. The first part of the thesis deals with the philosophical conception of animals. Animals have always been interesting to humans, who have often observed them and compared them with themselves. They probably saw in them similar characteristics, as many ancient philosophers often raised the questions: what is an animal, is it intelligent, does it have a soul and/or a mind? The second part of the thesis focuses on the 'scientific' approach to the study of animals, as taken, for example, by Aristotle. Aristotle wrote several works on the subject of animals, describing different species, their behaviour and anatomy, but always in comparison with man, who he considered to be the most perfect living being. From what has been written, it is possible to deduce that Aristotle himself dissected some animals and thus studied them more anatomically. By collecting data, Aristotle probably wanted to classify animals into different groups according to their common characteristics. His work later influenced many Roman authors, especially Pliny the Elder, who included some chapters on animals in his Natural History (Naturalis historia). Although Pliny did not deal with zoology on the same level as Aristotle, his collection was considered a treasure trove of knowledge in those days. The thesis focuses, among other things, on the classification of animals by the two authors and how (and if) their findings influenced Linnaeus's formulation of the biological scientific systematics that we still use today.

Keywords:animal studies, Pliny the Elder, Aristotle, natural history, animal classification

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